Congo: Endless and bloody conflict

The fighting in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) has received little attention from the world's media, yet it is one of the bloodiest conflicts the world has known since the Second World War. In less than five years, an estimated 3.3 million people are thought to have been killed, the vast majority of them civilians.
Aids Orphans in the Congo
As Congo recovers from five years of civil war, SOS Children is working to support orphaned and vulnerable children and their families. In the fight against HIV/AIDS, much of this work is done in conjunction with Medecins Sans Frontiere and other NGOs. Just over 4% of the adult population is affected. 770,000 children were orphaned as a result of HIV/AIDS, 18% of all orphans.
SOS Children focuses on prevention through education in schools and in so called "Anti-AIDS Clubs" as well as with voluntary testing. SOS Children is working to help prevent the abandonment of children because of HIV/AIDS and related illnesses.
Direct help is given to children who are orphans as a result of HIV/AIDS. In addition the idea of prevention is introduced to children in the SOS Primary Schools.
Bukavu: The SOS Medical Centre works with Medecins Sans Frontiere to give local communities information and education about prevention and the importance of voluntary testing. In addition SOS Children works with local doctors.
If you interested in helping the situation in the Congo you might like to consider how to sponsor a child in the Congo.