Aids Orphans in Kenya

Nearly 7% of the adult population of Kenya is affected by HIV/AIDS. There are more than 600,000 children who are orphans as a result of HIV/AIDS - 38% of all orphans. HIV/AIDS is a major cause of infant and child illness and mortality. SOS Children is working in Nairobi developing a Family Care Centre to support orphaned and vulnerable children and their families affected by HIV/AIDS. The programme includes voluntary counselling and testing and where appropriate supplying anti-retroviral drugs.

In Nairobi, the SOS Social Centre has, since January 2004, had a small medical centre, which has been promoting awareness of HIV/AIDS, doing testing and providing support and counselling to the community - about 5000 beneficiaries. The SOS Social Centre also works with the local Masai community to promote HIV/AIDS prevention using traditional cultural channels.
If you interested in helping the situation in Kenya you might like to consider how to sponsor a child in Kenya.