Child sponsor letter from Draria

Update from Summer 2006
In this period of June- July, where the weather is getting very hot, we are very pleased, as usual, to give you news about the Village and our Children who are already gone for vacation, at the beach, since the 3rd of July. They woke up very early, at 5am, in order to take the bus. They were very happy to go far away, within a distance of 500km from the capital Algiers and to meet new children with whom they keep often in touch after the vacation.
The current year has been rather satisfactory for all of us: the exam results to enter junior and senior high schools have been much better than those of the last year; we have 90 percent of success of our children who took exams, and 100percent of success for girls!
The new Village Director who started working with us since the last September, got adapted very well to the Village life and to its functioning. He lives with his family at the Village, they are all well adjusted and like being near the Children and their SOS mothers.
We have currently eleven (11) SOS family houses (10 inside the Village, one house outside); three (3) youth houses (2 for girls, one for boys). Overall, we are in charge of one hundred twenty nine (129) children, among them 26 youngsters who succeed in their exams, and 90 percent of them will be in high school next September. We are very proud of them and of their high performance!
Our children are developing and progressing nicely, and this year, we have focused our efforts on sport outside the Village: dance, Karate, judo We are planning to open a new youth house starting July, that is, a second youth house for five (5) youngsters who will be in boarding schools next year, in the surrounding of the capital, Algiers. They will come to the Village on weekends, during holidays and vacation. An educator will live with them for supervision and follow up during the week.
For the time being, all youngsters are on summer practicum for a month, before going on vacation, at the beach; during the month of August.
In compliance with the international recommendations and orientations, we are planning to increase our reception capacities thru the construction of familial houses: this will enable us to take in charge of one hundred sixty one (161) children. Actually, we are hiring future SOS mothers. Thanks to our awareness raising work model and information, the Algerian government wants to get inspiration from our model of reception in order to make reforms and modifications in its institutions: during the whole year, we have settled a group of professionals who studied ways of taking in charge of children deprived from their families. Next September, we will be working in collaboration with the Ministry of Solidarity and Labor with respect to supervised youth houses for female youngsters according to SOS educational principles. Beside the acknowledgement of our model of taking in charge of children, we are developing a communication strategy in order to raise awareness, inform, and make our mission known.
The number of local donators and partners is increasing and we are establishing partnerships with several institutions (Sheraton Hotel's Chain for the money collection during the Tennis and Golf match). Even our SOS mothers participated at the funds collection: they participated at a televised show "Who Wants to Win Millions"; where they won 10000 Euros for the Village.
Our SOS mothers continue to fulfill their tasks with a great courage, honesty and faith. We support and reinforce their progress thru further training and education. Our mission is also to make the SOS mothers' profession stable and encourage them to get committed for a long-term basis for children. The Regional Director will decorate one SOS mother, who has been at the Village for 7years, in September.
Unemployment of youth, the precarious labor, informal work, and the difficulty to find housing continue to be problems despite the economy growth. All this makes the professional integration of youth very difficult. Our three youngsters, who live in a supervised housing, are doing well and passed their exams: Nadia got married in July and she will graduate next year in Journalism. Malika is finishing her professional training in Serigraphy. Wahid is finishing his university major in translation; he will have a practicum at a translation office in order practice and improve his skills. As for our six young athletes, they continue to give us pride and satisfaction; they all pursue their brilliant vocation in athletics in Judo, King Boxing and Taï Kuando. Farida got the 3rd place in the Algerian championship; Nedjeddine obtained the 2nd place in the national championship in Taï Kuando; and Sabrina and Amina got both the 2nd place in the national championship of Taï Kuando.
Not all this outcomes could be possible without the participation of all: the Village staff, our Donators and all our Sponsors. Hence, we, and on behalf of all our Children, are grateful to you for your support and commitment. We are making our best to honor your trust toward us.
All the Village staff, the Children and the SOS mothers wishes you a good vacation and are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
The Supervisor
Children sponsorship update El Jadida
May 2007
Dear Sponsors and friends,
It’s spring time, green leaves grow in trees in the village, flowers blossom. On this glorious occasion, I’d like to send this report to let you know about the latest news of the village which you support so generously and then express our gratitude to your regular assistance.
As you know the village SOS in El Jadida opened in July to give shelter to 49 children in difficulty, coming of different parts of morocco.
Fatima Ezzahra joined her sister Oumaima who has lived in the village since December to make the number 50; you cannot imagine the joy and happiness of the two sisters reunited, sharing moments of ecstasy with the other members of the family SOS.
Most importantly, to mention, all our children have successfully overcome their suffering and go willingly every morning to the school on the opposite side accompanied by their SOS Mums.
During the two last months the children of the SOS village have lived happy events: the “Achoura feast” is the most favourite because kids receive presents and enjoy their mums’ cakes. We also celebrated the “Mouloud feast” (a religious feast) and brought a woman to the village whose task was to decorate the girls’ hands with “Henna” , we wished you could have been here to see the children play in the courtyard with their new cloths on.
Not least important, we attended the ceremony in a hotel in casa, presided by the minister of employment, the minister congratulate the SOS Mums upon their courage, patience, and caring then he landed them diplomas in recognition of their effort as official assistant SOS Mums.
Unfortunately, our village knew a bad event; last April Kawtar’s aunt came to inform us that her biological mother has died, little kawtar did not suffer much thanks to our SOS mums’ assistance and psychological support. She, then, understands that her mother has gone for ever.
Good news! Now the village is busy getting ready to prepare for the SOS Villages International day which will take place on June 23.everybody in here is eager to welcome their friends, from the area.
How can we thank you enough for your help and support? This is to say how much we appreciate.
I’d like to conclude with this famous citation by Mahatma Ghandi, that illustrates this spirit of sharing and cooperation. Isn’t he right? When he says “the earth has enough for people’s need, and not for their greed.” I think so, if we could share every thing with the other, peace and happiness will certainly prevail.
Again, many thanks.
Sincerely Yours
Director of the SOS Village EL Jadida
Relevant Countries: Algeria.