The Great Football Giveaway Begins
SOS Children fundraiser, Chrissy Davey, has arrived safely in Angola and is currently staying at the SOS Children's Village Benguela. Chrissy is in Angola to join The Great Football Giveaway and distribute over 3,000 footballs and handballs to children, including those children in the Benguela SOS village.
Over the weekend Chrissy has been experiencing the SOS village and school in Benguela, and now she is heading to Huambo, where the civil war was most fiercely fought over almost 30 years. Lubango then Lobito are next on the itinerary.
Great Football Giveaway founder, Paul Clarke, comments "We have had great support from SOS Children's Villages (both in Angola and back here in the UK) ... without their support our project in Angola would not have been possible."

A fantastic team of volunteers have joined the football giveaway. All volunteers are paying their own way to Angola to hand-deliver the footballs directly to children in schools, orphan centres and relevant youth projects. As with previous projects, where children are seen playing in teams by the side of the road, with a makeshift ball, they will be given a brand new ball, with a pump and spare valves.
By giving away footballs the aim is not only to provide some much needed fun, but also to increase attendance in schools, encourage street children to orphan centres and aid community youth projects to teach about HIV/AIDS.
Paul Clarke adds "Once again, on behalf of all the kids in Angola, who will soon be able to enjoy one of life's most simple pleasures, a huge thank you for making this possible."
Relevant Countries: Angola.