Vasya Not Standing with Arms Out

Vasya is a 24-year-old young man who lives with his wife and little daughter in the outskirts of Minsk, Belarus. After leaving SOS Children's Village Borovljany his life has turned to the right track.
Vasya came to the village in 1996, three years later he graduated from an occupational school - now he can drive any machine starting from cars to tractors, plus he has lots of experience with different appliances. "I wanted to drive a car and to learn how to braze; I have a huge interest in all sorts of mechanics," he explains his choice of profession.
He works in a company responsible for cleaning the road in the most important traffic circle. "That's the most important road in Minsk as the president drives on it quite frequently."
The amount of work depends on the quantity of snow in winter. "When it's snowing it's time for work, no matter what the time is. Sometimes we stay at work for a night when it's clear it will snow. In summer we have much work - the roads must be repaired."
Getting his own place
He is the first in Belarus whom the SOS Children's Villages Belarus has helped to get his own living place. "In January two years ago we moved in, I had always dreamt about a place I could come at anytime," says Vasya, who hasn't just waited with arms out.
When he was in the youth facility he saved money, bought US dollars for that and put dollars to a bank. To put dollars to bank instead of Belarusian rubles was a simple economical reality - the instability of the local currency is not in favor of saving. All the dollars Vasya saved and contributions from donors were used when he bought the apartment.
"In the village life is easy, no taxes, no worries; here I have to take care of those things. Before independence there was almost nothing to do, now there are duties, but it's normal."
From a child to a man
It's not easy to live only from one salary as Vasya's wife Lena stays with their daughter at home, but she plans to start work soon. "When little Vika is ill, it's difficult for both of us, as then she stays up at nights and cries. But when she gets older it should be easier and Lena's mother will help us," says Vasya.
Youth in the youth facility are very interested in how Vasya managed all this - education and apartment. "Generally they are a bit childish there, but at least they are interested in the future. And I was like this a few years ago."
Relevant Countries: Belarus.