The 'delicious' saga of an SOS boy

Ritwik Das who grew up in SOS Children's Village Kolkata in India has carved a niche for himself as an entrepreneur and has been successfully managing a restaurant in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu.
"It all began in 1995 when I landed in Kathmandu for an industrial training and I met my wife Shanti here. We both have a passion for food and we started this restaurant in 2003 at a small level," recalled Ritwik while making gravy of Paneer Butter Masala in the kitchen of the "Shree Lal House of Vegetarian Restaurant" at Thamel in the heart of Kathmandu city.
Ritwik came to SOS Children's Village Kolkata in India in 1980 as a six-year-old. He grew up with his five brothers and five sisters in the care of SOS mother Maya Das. "I am grateful to my parents for the values I inherited from them and I must say that it was a great span of my life that I spent in Kolkata." The then youth village director Srinivasan, who is director of SOS Children's Village Chennai now, was my best friend and guide. He impressed upon me to join the Hotel Management Institute at Chennai in South India and it clicked.
Great leadership qualities
"He was quite focussed and labourious. And, he used to argue quite well and showed great leadership qualities. I saw a good future in him," recalled Srinivasan.
His restaurant is situated on the first floor of a building in the busy alleyways of Thamel and being a vegetarian paradise it is a big draw here. Mostly Indian vegetarian food with Nepalese and continental taste is also served here. "The food is really delicious and, yes, the ambience is also great," said a tourist.
Ritwik has given employment to more than a dozen people but he makes sure that the food is made under his supervision and quality shouldn't be compromised at any cost. Both he and his wife are present at the peak business hours and for the rest of the time they come in turn.
"A mouthful of the plain naan (a type of bread) dipped in Paneer Butter Masala, which was practically bursting with flavor, and I was smitten. Shabnam Curry, a creamy, mushroomy dish was equally rewarding," is how a media man described the dishes he had in the restaurant.
Not only his restaurant serves green foods, he is also a staunch advocate of vegetarian food. The back side of the menu carries vegetarian virtues - why and how you should be a vegetarian.
Giving back
"I got education and support from society. It's my turn to give back," said the young entrepreneur. Today, with his own restaurant, he intends to give training and employment to street children and helpless women. He also hopes to support helpless women in association with APEIRON, an INGO for women, by providing them with training and placement at his restaurant.
"He certainly is an inspiration for our boys who want to do something on their own," said Khagendra Nepal, the director of SOS Children's Village Sanothimi who is also a great fan of the man.
Ritwik has gained experiences in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and also in Japan. He is a man who flaunts confidence and talks professionally as an entrepreneur. At the same time he is a family man. "I am proud of my wife, she constantly supports me in the business and looks after my son very well," Ritwik opened his soft corner.
I appeal to all my siblings at the SOS Children's Village to make use of the opportunity they have.
Relevant Countries: India.