We are safe and sound

The 7.8 magnitude quake has affected CV Chengdu,
but our children are all safe and sound.
On May 12, an earthquake devastated south-western China, centered in Sichuan Province, Where ChengDu Village is located. The 7.8 magnitude quake killed over 10,000 people and trapped hundreds of others under schools, factories and houses. Chengdu Village is about 100 km from the centre of the earthquake. We strongly felt struck power, but fortunately, everyone in the Village is safe and sound up to now.
It was school time when the earthquake first came. Most of our children were at school out of the Village; over 100 little kids were sleeping in our nursery school. People felt more than one dozen shocks. Everything in the classroom was rocking, books and teaching aids were thrown everywhere. Cups and dishware kept falling from tables. The nursery school was filled with children’s crying. Co-workers in the Village came to themselves soon after the first shock. They dashed into the nursery school and helped teachers organise their children to open space in order. All children were safe and sound on the playground in just in the shortest time. We did everything to make children feel safe and settle peacefully.
After making sure that all children in the Village were safe, adults in the Village began to contact schools. Because communications by telephone were cut off, many SOS mothers ran to school to take back children. The strong quake lasted over 3 minutes. 15 minutes later, TV and radio began to report the disaster. People gathered around radio to receive message about the disaster and learn some knowledge about self-saving in earthquake.
Soon after the first strong wave of the quake, the Village gathered all people to safe places and checked the state of facilities. Children in the nearby school were taken back. And the Village tried to contact children in schools further away. By 5pm, things had settled down in the Village and basic state of most children was learned. Except several children studying at schools out of the city lost contact with us, children returned safe to the Village. Several children got minor scratches. Building in the Village remains in safe state but some small crevices have appeared on the SOS Mothers’ Training Building, SOS Youth Community Building and one or two Family homes, but these do not threaten the safety of the buildings.
During May 12 and 13, hundreds times of after earthquakes took place. But most of them were minor. We just felt several of them. The government acted quickly for the suddenly-arising disaster with a series of policies protecting public facilities, maintaining stability, organising relief and saving groups and publicising the latest information. Now all the primary schools and middle schools in Chengdu city is closed. Most of the children are staying safe and sound in the Village except 2 children studying at schools out of the city.
Meanwhile, because there are many after earthquake happening all the time, the pressure is still strong. The Village has prepared various measures to protect our children.
1. Keep children staying in the Village
2. Maintain the living order in the Village
3. Prepare for any possible after earthquake; be ready to alarm at any time. We have co-workers on 24-hour duty.
Anyway, the Village is safe now. But the disaster has made serious damages to the province, especially for some counties 50 km away from our Village. According to incomplete figures, up to 7 pm on May 13, 12,012 people died in Sichuan Province, 9,404 people are still burying under ruins. There are 7,841 people lost. 26,206 people are sent into hospital. 959 people died in the disaster in Chengdu city.
The traffic and communication has just resumed normal state by the afternoon of May 13. Many people living in tall and dangerous building chose to live in the open space for the time being. The Village provided shelter to some people in the nearby community.
The SOS Children's Village in Chengdu has offered to accommodate - initially on a temporary basis - unaccompanied children from the disaster areas till the authorities have a clear picture on the whereabouts of their families.
They are also prepared for long-term care when and if the need arises. At the moment however one concentrates on offering a safe environment for any unaccompanied children.
The SOS Children's Village can offer a large nursery school, a training centre for mothers and staff normally accommodating 30 adults as well as the 15 family houses. The mothers and their children in solidarity with the victims will also make some room available in their houses if it is needed.
Relief work is in control of authorities and the army. The epicentre is about 130 km northwest of Chengdu and large areas are still inaccessible.
Relevant Countries: China.