Sponsor a child as a Christmas present

It is quite common for people to set up child sponsorships as a gift for their grandchild, godchild or someone special for Christmas or a special occasion. If you wish to set up a sponsorship of this type, you can do it on our website: just explain in the "instructions" box on the secure online Child Sponsorship form what you would like us to do. We can send the first sponsorship pack to you to hand over on Christmas Day, and then mail subsequent child updates and so on to the person the gift is for - we are flexible and will try our best to match your request.
One request though. We don't have a pile of "pre-packaged" sponsored children to send out. It takes us time to find a suitable child and arrange to get photographs and information back from the country where the child lives. Mid-December is a peak time for new sponsorships and as well as processing hundreds of these, we also have existing sponsors wanting gifts and messages sent to their sponsored children and so on.
Therefore, if you wish to sponsor a child as a gift for someone this Christmas, and need to have the child pack for Christmas Day, we ask you to PLEASE complete the online form and instructions by 8 December at the latest. If you complete an application after this time we will try to get a sponsorship pack together but you may have to settle for a letter to the lucky recipient saying "a child has been sponsored for you and details will be sent very soon". Of course it is still a special gift and they will get a pack with their child photo and country details early in the New Year, but somehow this is never quite as good as a photo and pack on the special day.
Thank you for your understanding and we wish you all a very happy festive season.
SOS Children