Christmas celebrations in Dhaka

Bangladesh is a predominantly Muslim country, the number of people practicing other religions is limited to a few. However, in SOS Children's Village Dhaka out of fifteen family houses one belongs to a Christian family. Mother Jhuma and her kids celebrate Christmas with happiness and joy. And of course it's not just one family celebrating Christmas but the entire village joins them in their celebrations. The village director describes how the celebrations take place.
Every year Jhuma and her family celebrate Christmas with joy, enthusiasm and religious rituals. Mother Jhuma decorates her house and gives it a new colourful look. She makes a symbolic birth place of Jesus Christ in a corner of the house and all the kids honour it by kissing it.
On Christmas Eve the family goes to the church together, wearing new dresses, and participating in the special prayer. The historical background of the birth of Jesus and his ideology is focused in the church and special religious songs are sung. For the well being of mankind everybody prays to God. After solicitation all wish each other.
On the day of Christmas various types of delicious food items are prepared at home including cakes. Mother Jhuma invites all the mothers, kids and co-workers on the occasion and everybody joins them and exchanges wishes. On the occasion, father, brothers and sisters come from the church to Jhuma's family house and exchange wishes and views. They again organise solicitation. After solicitation, special food items are served. On Christmas they also exchange gifts and cards with neighbours and well wishers.
A special excursion programme is arranged for the kids and mothers. Usually two to three families in the village go for an outing. Mostly they go out to a movie or hang around in the malls. At night everybody enjoys a special television programme on Christmas.
SOS Children currently supports over seven hundred children at six SOS Children's Villages located at Bagerhat, Bogra, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna and Rajshahi. In addition we support a further eight thousand children through SOS Social Centres, SOS schools, SOS Vocational Training Centres and SOS Youth Projects. Will you Sponsor a child this Christmas?
Relevant Countries: Bangladesh.