Child sponsorship letter Abobo Gare

Update from SOS Children's Village Abobo Gare November 2006:
« We are still far from a society in which the children would live in all dignity and would develop their gifts » said Oscaard Sanchez, peace Nobel Prize in 2002. along with the military-political crisis prevailing in the country for 4 years, poverty, HIV/AIDS and the toxic waste poured across Abidjan city, the year 2006 showed that this quotation has always been of topicality and that the activities of SOS Children’s Villages in Côte d’Ivoire were very important and more than necessary.
This year, 7 children from 3 to 5, being abandoned, found calmness and a new home in the SOS Children’s Village of Abobo. They have been hosted this semester and are perfectly integrated in the village. Four (4) of them were registered for primary school and three (3) others for kindergarten. It was with great joy that like their brothers and sisters, they started school last month. On recommendation of the specialised class teacher, one of our girls in primary school final class was re-orientated for a training of hairdressers’/esthetician rising by four (4) the number of children of the village receiving a professional training. For the 96 others who go to school, 34 of them are registered for high school and college, 57 for primary education and 5 for kindergarten.
The lastest results are satisfactory on the whole. All the 12 children in the last level of primary school obtained their primary education certificate (CEPE) and are registered for the first form in surrounding secondary schools. Over six (6) candidates put in by the village and the two (2) youth hostels, five (5) of them obtained the intermediary certificate (BEPC). With a total of 182.33 grade 280, one of our girls aged 14 was posted to a high school of Excellence in Yamoussoukro, political capital city of our country. In the boys’ hostels, the only candidate who was put in successfully passed the Baccalaureat levels, science option (D). He is impatiently waiting for his posting in one of his chosen options.
For the 41 youths living in the closed habitat, most of whom go through professional trainings, the poor social conditions and the insuffiencient opportunities in terms of employment, are the major problems they encounter at the end of their training. In order to facilitate their socioprofessionnal insertion, a program of aid has been initiated. Every year, it consists in giving to these young (those having projects) funds to help them do their own business or to start a fund raising project while looking for a job.
The young who completed their professional training and are leaving school in December, are preparing with the assistance of their teachers for the presentation of their projects to the aid awarding board.
During the second semester of 2006, the village experienced a lively animation particularly with the socicultural and sports activities, the community projects and the summer holidays. In fact, in the month of June, the children of the village participated in the football tournament organized on the international Day of the African Child. Like last year, we got to the final, but this time with the girl’s team. Despite the defeat in final, our girls played well. We were awarded the prize of the best team of the tournament (one defeat in final) and that of fair-play.
From July to September 2006, a group of children participated in a summur camp in Agboville at the invitation of the Mayor of this town located at 60 miles away from Abobo. Following the initiative of DAV Group, specialized on TV broad eats on food, ten (10) young girls participated in a two-week cultural event at Anyama (a suburb located at about 10 miles away from Abobo). A great number of children spent this year their holidays with sponsors, in the village, a program of activities has been drafted and entirely implemented by aunts and teachers.
The young girl opened a vegetable garden with the support of the village committee ; and they planted the following vegetables : cabbage, carrot, lettuce, pepper, augergine and tomato. Part of the harvest products (on going harvest) is given to the SOS mothers and another part is utilized by the girls themselves for the cooking purpose.
The holidays have been the opportunity for the children of the village to appear for the first time on the TV Program « Wozo Vacances 2006 » produced by the Ivorian national television and broadcast all across the country in the sub-region. The contest which is of national scale hosted 200 pre-selected groups on the national territory. Our group called the blessed children of the SOS village of Abobo has been designated as the unique representative of Abobo brought to the different rounds of this famous TV program which was actually a means of expression of cultures and national values. The quality of our children performance in imitation and modern dance allowed us to go beyond pre-selections, eliminations and semi-finals and be at the final round.
Competing against five (5) other groups on Saturday, September 23rd, we were the winner in front of thousands of spectators. I twas an opportunity for our organisation to gain its final fame in the country. A lot of prizes in kind and in cash were offered to the village. We had for exemple the financing of a playground worth 15 million CFA francs.
The year 2006 has been for us well completed. We have undertaken and conducted new activities and obtained satisfary results.
But there are still problems related to the dilapidation of the equipment obtained back 1970. We hope that with the help of own friends and benefactors, we will be able to obtain a renewal of the village and improve the following up offer of the children under own responsibility.
We would like to express our gratefulness to all the persons committed in favour of SOS children village Côte d’Ivoire. Thank you for your precious assistance, your commitment and confidence expressed. Your solidarity has revealed itself again this year as a source of energy and invaluable joy in the achievement of our mission. We wishe you a merry christmas and a happy year.
Children sponsorship update from Aboisso

Update from November 2006:
We are really pleased to write lthis letter in order to inform you of your sponsored village. It outlines the conducted activities and puts into relief major events.
After the effective admission of 6 children in June 2006, the current number of children and youthes in the village is as follows :
Family houses : 54 boys and 49 girls
Boy’s hostels : 12
Girl’s hostels : 12
The age of children and youths varies between 12 months and 22 years old.
The number of agents working in the village is of 27 persons
SOS mothers : 10
Adminisstrative staff : 4
Teaching and social staff : 4
General service : 5
It must be noted that the personnel has been completed after recruiting a new aunt.
As educational and professional level are concerned, children and youths are categorized in theses areas as follows :
children not sent to school because of their young age : 3
kindergarten : 7
Primary school : 55
Vocational training : 4
Professional training : 5
The end-of-year resykts are acceptable on the whole. Thus, after the results have been released from the different national examinations, we can note down what follows :
Primary education certificate : 5 passed over 6 i.e. 83,33% of success
O’levels examination : 6 passed iver 12, i.e. 50% of success
A levels examination : 4 passed over 8, i.e. 50% of success
Three of our college children and youths who performed brilliantly in their different schools were awarded a prize by the local administrative authorities. In this month we plan to organize a ceremonu in order to reward and congratulate our children and youths who received good school results and who also had a good behaviour.
Education level
We organize periodical meetings in family homes and in the youth homes in view of reviewing all the problems these children and youths may encounter. Those young persons, who mmust go up for another step in their life at SOS village (youths’hostel or closed habitat) in January 2007, are prepared for these changes.
Therefore, 6 youths are leaving the girl’s hostel and boys’ hostel for the closed habitat and 6 others coming from the family homes are entering the hostels. And in general, these children behave well.
From sociocultural and sports point of view
We organized school outings for relaxation and discovery for the children and youths in Adiaké, Krinjabo (two small towns near Aboisso), at the dam of Ayamé, at the transformation factory of grain of palm, at Assouindé Beach, at the United State Embassy.
Our children and youths also participated in TV Program highly valued by the population. They have also been initiated at the Abodan dance (traditional dance in the region of Aboisso) highily appreciated in the region. Our youths regularly played football matches against their friends from the other surrounding villages.
The youngest play cards, ludo, awalé and babyfoot and group games on the village playground on the spare time.
We received the United States Ambassador, the association of Ambassadors’ wives in Côte d’Ivoire as well as the association of heart of gold artists. Donations in kind and in cash were offered by all these personns and certain NGO. There were tables, beds, chairs, mosquito-nets, garments, foodstuff and educational stationery.
The family environment in which the children live and all these avtivities they conduct permit them to be happy. And, indeed you help make it happen. From the bottom of our heart, the children and all the staff would like to thank you ever so much and wishe you a merry christmas and happy year 2007.
Relevant Countries: Côte d'Ivoire.