Sponsor's update from Chvalèov

Update from 2007
Heartfelt greetings to you all from Chvalèov!
The biggest news is the arrival in the village of new boys. Their names are Adrián, Daniel, and Alan. Despite some initial concerns, the boys have settled in and are happy.
We all spent Christmas surrounded by those who are closest to us and whom we love so much. All the children got piles of presents watched dozens of fairy tales, and ate sweets and goodies that they prepared before the holidays with their foster mothers.
Winter went missing this year and we didn’t get very much snow, but the children of the village set out for spring break with their skis, to the High Tatras, where there was lots of snow. And we have proof - lots of beautiful photographs that were taken by the director, the teacher, and the children themselves.
At the very beginning of March all of us from the village sharpened the hoes, checked all the tools, and formed a work brigade. Every able-bodied person pushed a cart, raked, attended the fire the work went very well, and we got everything ready in one afternoon. Our area looked like an ant hill, one great swarm.
It’s already warm, and we spend time outdoors, where we play ball games together, mainly dodge-ball. The adolescents in the village like to play tennis, and they do very well.
In the school we’re gradually beginning to finish up, which means that we have to study, study, study.
We wish you a beautiful spring and summer, lots of sunshine, strawberries and excursions.
Child sponsorship update Medlanky

As is the case every year, live in the Children’s Village is being accompanied by a rich educational and leisure-time program.
By the end of the school year an educational program was put in place that follows up on IPRO, where the children’s group activities are focused on areas that require strengthening or development. When needed, individual care of children and families is implemented. Because of the children’s great interest, the fishing and drama clubs are continuing, as are regular artistic activities.
This February the children enjoyed spring break in Snìné, near Nové mìsto in Moravia, that was organised and led by a team from the Children’s Village. So the children had an opportunity to enjoy the natural environment and good cheer of the camp in the picturesque setting of Vysoèina. Because Mother Nature wasn’t very generous in terms of snow, there was skiing and sledding for just the first couple of days before the snow melted completely. But there was no need to despair completely, because although the weather left much to be desired, the adults and the children both strove to properly enjoy their spring break in the country.
The main motif of this vacation was the travels of Welzel the Eskimo. The children explored the surroundings, the terrain, and interesting places in the area where we lived for a week. We visited the township, and the lookout tower, and when the snow was gone we took to the water, with the children having a chance to enjoy the covered swimming pool.
The greatest cultural event of this spring break was a visit to the Hussite Museum for Children, where they were able to acquaint themselves with Hussite weapons, clothing that was worn at the time, writing supplies and penmanship, mosaic creation, correspondence sealing, and so on. The best thing about all this was that the children could try everything on, pick things up, and simply try everything out for themselves. With the help of the museum’s kind employees, this visit was the interesting high point of the spring break.
Because spring came very early this year, in April we took the children to the Brno zoo. The children were able to see many animals that they had never heard of, and some of them were able to get acquainted with some animals that they had seen only in the encyclopedia. It was admirable how many animals the children knew, and sometimes even we adults became acquainted with some of them.
Children from the villages in Brno and Chvalèov spent the last weekend in April together, based on the theme of witches, with the last April day featuring “witch burnings.” The children had a chance to get together again, engage in a sports tournament, go on an excursion into the beautiful surroundings, cook sausages around a campfire and sing songs, and organize a witch carnival. The children returned filled with enthusiasm and experiences.
During these months summer activities are gradually being planned, both individually in families and organised by the village, of which the greatest event will be a summer camp in Caldonazzo, Italy.
Sponsor's update from Doubi

Update from Summer 2007
Dear Friend,
In January of this year 2007 a new directress Mgr. Sylva Cenefelsová and a new secretary Petra Havlová. started to work in SOS CV.
In our CV there are still SOS Families - Mrs Vladimíra Gíbalová who has now 4 children. The next one is Mrs Smelá who has 3 children - Vendula who lived with her mother to May of this year, and her two SOS brothers.
And the next family is Mrs Jarmila Paøíková with 2 children. In March two new SOS mother Mrs Jitka Hermanová and Renata Heinová, came to Doubí. They are already waiting for their new children.
It is also planned to engage new co-workers- a new teacher and aunts, who will help to SOS mothers with their children, when mothers will have some days off.
Part of life in the SOS CV Doubí are still the international workshops, which should take place here till December of this year.
Your sincerely,
Mgr. Sylva Cenefelsova
Village director
Relevant Countries: Czech Republic.