Child sponsorship letter from Quito

Rodrigo, as he is called at home and at the village, is now a good Ecuadorian performer in the practice of Judo. He has turned from a common sportsman into an excellent judoka with a projection to the future that goes beyond from his own dreams.
Dear sponsors from the SOS Children’s Village Quito:
Quito, June 2007.
When he was 5 years old, he arrived the SOS Children’s Village located in Quito and from the first moment we have always asked ourselves “is he really that age?”, it seems like from his birth he was conceived to be a champion, due to his height and weight at the beginning we all were fascinated about “our big boy”.
Being only 6 he was a child that already knew how to make the others “respect” him, even the older boys. He was nice, playful and very forgetful; he always had an “I don’t remember” in his lips, because he forgot things frequently and at school he just didn’t lose the way to return to home. If we talk about a joker, a permanent singer and a little bit disobedient and rough without intention- with the other kids we have to talk about Rodrigo; big according to his age, very strong and with an internal energy more powerful than the Tungurahua volcano.
Rodrigo caught the attention of all of us in every moment; exaggerated in the way he walked, in the way he was dressed and in the way he contacted the other people and exaggerated in his strength; his mom gave his reprimands frequently but this friend so strong and generous -at the same time- turns very calm and docile when he has to obey the house-rules His SOS mom tells us that he even asks for suggestions when he just plans to watch TV. He is very well adapted to his family and has a very special place in the heart of everyone who has lived near him.
He started his practice in sports in “Su Cambio por el Cambio” foundation, where he threw out all his energy and it was enough with a couple of times going to train in the Pichincha’s Sports Concentration to have the directives support and warranty to have opened all the chances toward the triumph, through the responsibility, the hard-work, the perseverance and the vocation.
Not everything has been perfect to Rodrigo, because of the exhausting periods of sport practice in some occasions he almost gave up and thanks to the permanent support from his SOS mom and from his friends, he calmed down and decided to continue. In those particular hard moments, he has always had the big help and motivation from his village family.
Rodrigo has competed in many places in our country (Quito, Cuenca, Guayaquil, Riobamba, Machala) and always has had good results (the evidence is a cabinet full of medals). In Cuenca he obtained the title of South American Juvenile Judo Champion. He is now part of the elite team and he has had the chance to travel to the Pan-American Judo Games in Dominican Republic, where he obtained bronze medal, and it was a very important triumph because it was the first time that he competed abroad and among 23 countries of the world. Our Rodrigo, now being 18 years old, not only is a good sportsman but also is an example for all our boys and girls and for all the children of our nation.
Now our commitment will be to continue supporting the next generations and those boys and girls that already are with us, such as Isaíd, who has joined his brothers Patricio and Nicolás and now is another happy member of mom Omaira’s family. We have also had a lot of satisfaction when Milton and Kevin found their maternal sister Lisbeth in our village, after almost 3 years of separation .they could meet each other again! Now, them together with their 7 siblings and mom Lourdes are a very joined group, a real family.
Right now, the lives of 106 children and young people are our responsibility. In the things that we’ll be able to do today, in the support that we’ll offer them today is the key of their future life and of their success. Our 12 mothers and 8 aunts can reach that those lives will choose the right way and walk through it with happiness and self-confidence, holding our hands. A great deal of what we’re able to do is possible thanks to your support to our work and with your trust in our efforts you make possible to replicate stories such as Rodrigo’s. Together with this letter we want to send a warm greeting and our deepest thanks!
Cristina Padilla de Ontaneda, Sponsorships Dept Director and Wilson Ruales, SOS Children’s Village Quito Director.
Sponsor letter from Portoviejo

Dear Sponsors from the SOS Children’s Village Portoviejo,
Portoviejo, June 2007
It’s a pleasure to contact you again to tell you about our news and some stories happened during this year in our children’s village, which you so generously support.
We want to tell you about the happiness we felt when 17 of our boys and girls finished their basic school studies. Those days were characterized by many feelings: first the nerves of the final tests followed by the joy and enthusiasm of their long awaited end-of-school party. At home and at school everything was getting ready: the suits and dresses, the time, the speech, the godparents, the celebration
the days passed until the expected moment arrived. There were a lot of surprises, some of our youth got prizes for their good grades. To some other it was almost incredible to believe that they were finishing this stage and we all were very proud and the family was a very important part of the celebration. One of our students, Miriam, surprised us all because during the celebration she received an honor mention due to the highest scores she got in all the years she studied in her school and she was also selected by her friends as “the best friend of the class”. It was a very touching moment, in particular to her biological father and her biological older brothers who were there. It was very evident the proud and satisfaction of her father who was so touched that some tears showed up in his cheeks. When the event finished, Miriam’s father thanked the directress for the support that our organization has given to his children. It was a very moving day, in which prevailed the satisfaction of the fulfilled task and the pride to see how good the results of a well-done work are.
On the other hand, Jacinto left the village this year to serve in the Ecuadorian army. His departure was an experience with many feelings: he was nervous, anxious, happy, melancholic he didn’t know what was waiting for him in this stage; he had heard so many comments and gossip about the military service and he was very confused. A day before of his departure he was getting everything ready with his SOS mom. On his presentation day he went together with his SOS mom and his SOS aunt Mercedes (the village social worker). They went with him in every moment, in the line, waiting for his turn. After that, the military authority said to Jacinto that he maybe had to go to the Ecuadorian jungle to serve there and it was very sad because it’s located so far away from the village. It would mean that much time should have to pass before they’ll meet again. Fortunately, then they were informed that Jacinto was going to serve in Quito and these news were very good. Then the moment to say goodbye arrived and the tears went out together with the blessings and the good wishes. There were also -of course- the last minute advice and a deep: “I love you mom and thanks to be here with me” which make this moment very special. From February he has already left once and visited his family and his village friends. He is very happy, in good health and satisfied with the things he’s doing and he has even thought to stay there fulfilling the training to become a soldier, which has always been his dream. We are trying to help him to make his dream come true.
Eight orphan siblings arrived to our village this year. They have already joined a family and now mom Marisely is their new mom. She has taken the big challenge to raise them and to offer them her best skills to make that these eight children together with her can become a happy and big family.
Also, Adriana found in mom Raquel the mother she was missing and in the village a chance to go ahead. Adriana’s father has a physical disability and asked us to protect his girl and to let her grow in a place with all the things she needs, since he can’t work and can’t give his daughter more than his love The new brothers and sisters of Adriana have welcomed her with a lot of affection and now she feels very happy with her family. Her father is a lot calmer since he knows that his girl is getting the care, attention and affection she needs and he visits her every time he can.
Our youth are still working on weekends and also on their vacation. This year, nine of our young ladies have started their professional training. This experience contributes very positively in their formation. Thanks to some friends of the village they got part-time jobs in the city and they’re learning a lot of useful things. They’re very happy with this learning chance which will help them a lot in their future.
Each day in our village there is a reason to continue working: a tender smile, the charming voices, the rhythmic children’ songs, the games in the village park, the arrival from the schools, etc. Each boy and girl is very special to all of us who are working and growing with them in our villages. Thanks to your help we’ve carried out many of our goals and it’s our wish to continue and increase our labor. We ask you to continue supporting this project which makes possible that many of these stories become true. Many thanks for your help and for your continuous affection.
Soledad Freire
SOS Children’s Village Portoviejo Directress.
Relevant Countries: Ecuador.