SOS Emergency Community Centres for Children and their Families Affected by Flooding

SOS Children is setting up temporary relief centres for children affected by the recent Bolivian flooding. The immediate presence of SOS Children in Bolivia has made it possible to open three emergency community centres for vulnerable children and their families.
Official estimates suggest that more than 73,000 families across Bolivia have been affected by the effects of La Niña in the past few weeks. The poorest areas of the cities of La Paz and El Alto have been very badly affected.
SOS Children has set up three temporary community centres in El Alto (in the highlands of Bolivia) and in two districts of Trinidad (in the Department of Beni), to care for vulnerable children and their families. Over a period of three months, the children will receive regular meals, medical care and education. Their parents will also receive support and advice.
The deputy mayor of the city of El Alto and other representatives from key organisations were present the day the new community centre opened in El Alto. They acknowledged the immediate response of SOS Children's Villages in situations of natural disasters that put children and their families at risk. A representative from the Office of Social Management of El Alto said "The work of SOS Children's Villages is not based on a temporary donation. This organisation works in co-ordination with the neighbours - sustaining the attention and care given to the children”.
SOS Children is working closely with social welfare offices, community committees and other local social facilities in all locations to ensure that help is given to those in need for as long as necessary.
Relevant Countries: Bolivia.