Child sponsor letter Tela

Dear Sponsors:
The present year is almost finishing, like to before years it is pleasant to able to inform you about the success obtained by children and young also thanks for your collaboration of all the equipment of collaborators in this Village specially of mothers SOS.
At the moment in this village 52 girls and 52 boys living in 12 homes. During the year 14 new children were welcomed in this village, who have integrated with each one of the mothers and brothers. In addition to continue expanding our mission, we are in process to open a new house to give the opportunity of a home to new children next year.
Our children and young are already in vacations, they concluded the school year: Between them 9 children finished the pre-school education and they are ready to initiate the Elementary school on February next year.
The rest of the children who study Elementary three of them did not approve all their subjects they until are studying very hard to make the exams again. Also 7 children are obtaining their Certificated of Elementary Education and one graduated as the First level of Electricity. Their SOS families have been very glad to share with them those moments of much satisfaction and joy.
In this period of vacations that began one week ago, the children and young have been incorporated to many activities, games, sport and integration to the work in projection to the community. One of the first activities that have made is the elaboration of the Christmas cards that with much affection made for each one of their sponsors. Also they are preparing a nativity scene in the village and each home.
In the spiritual area, one of our mothers offered catechesis to 14 children during the year and on November 12th they were already received first communion, also were made 11 baptisms. On the other hand the children and young continue enjoying a very good state of health under the care of their mothers and with the support of a nurse doing her social service, developing a preventive program that includes the care of the water, vegetable consume, protection of environment and cleaning of our village.
Through of all the year as before have gotten to keep the good physical state of the house, thanks to the cares of the mothers, children and young Our village maintains its natural beauty, it always look clean and adorned with flowers, plants and trees.
Inside of work areas of SOS Organization has the Family Strengthening Program and prevention of the abandonment, that is giving attention to 100 children from the community who live in extreme resources the come every they to the social Center close the SOS Village. Also a center in the community was opened where it is taken care of 40 children. On December they have projected to open another communitarian center to take care of 50 children with their families.
This program also working with the mothers offering them several training like self esteem, human relations, domestic violence, nutrition and rights of the woman. For the next year have planned to make alphabetization programs to teach to this group of women to read and to write. They have done agreements with the municipality and Groups of Aid of the community because in mutual collaboration we can support the single mothers and they can obtain a job, to prevent the infantile abandonment and contribute with the reduce of the poverty in these families.
We thank for your valuable support that you offer us. Thanks to believe and to support to the children and young in this village that are growing up happy and receiving a complete formation to have a better future.
Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year!
Sr. Fredy Reyes
Director Aldea Infantil
SOS Tela
Sponsor letter La Ceiba
Dear Sponsors and Friends:
The happiness, peace, joyful keep in your hearts for this time and through the coming year, these are the wishes from children, young, Mothers and collaborators from the SOS Children Village La Ceiba.
This year have been of much success for this village, because we have realized some infrastructure projects which come to give a better attention to all the persons living here. It is the case of repair of the Electrical system of a part of houses in the village and the constructions of the water tank with the capacity of 12,000 gallons of potable water, it is very useful for all this village.
This year we had the opportunity to move 12 young boys to the city, they are renting a house and are under the charge of one SOS mother with many years to be taking care of the boys, many of them are preparing to get their independence, also two of them are getting their Certificate as Technical in Air Condition and one in Social worker, these boys are ready to find a opportunity of work next year. The change of the young to the city give us the place to open another family house in this village, where 5 children from the age two to twelve years old, they were received with much enthusiasm by the SOS aunt María, each one of them are adapting and are getting all the attention they need.
For next year we have planed to open other house in the city but it will be for a group of 10 or 12 young girls, we have many candidates to it since now they are very glad to this change.
Now this year is ending we can to inform that 13 children have finished their Pre-school, therefore are ready to start the Elementary school next on February. The rest of children 65 of them are studying Elementary approved their school year and 34 of them were studying Junior High School approve their classes too.
One of our young that was studying his Bachelor in the SOS Hermann Gmeiner Secondary School in Costa Rica, took decision to stay in that country to continue his studies in the National Agriculture School at the same time to get a job in that way his got his independence life because he was already to get it.
This year we celebarated the 26th anniversary of this Village, which was done on the same date when we celebrate the “Child’s Day on September month. This same month it is the parades of Independence Day of this country, all the student children and young were participating wearing on their nice uniforms and other with national costumes.
We send our gratitude for all the support that we are getting from you because thanks to that we can do the better for the children in Honduras.
Lic. Olman Flores
Director SOS Children Village La Ceiba
Child sponsor's letter San Pedro Sula

Dear Sponsors:
Once again it is time to share with you and to send best wishes to all you on behalf of all the families in SOS Children Village San Pedro Sula-
At present 131 Children are living in this SOS village, 68 of them are girls, and 63 are boys. On last October were received five new children, they are adapting very well to the life in their SOS homes their mothers and brothers received them with much joy They are rebuilding one area to open other home next year in that way could to receive more children.
In the course of this year the children have done very well with their studies, between them are one young girl that won a prize for her excellent grades, she also is studying a course of Computer Also one child participated in a contest of Drawing then he won the first place in the school where he is studying. It was of moments of joy and proud for a young boy and his SOS family, because he got a Certificate as cabinetmaker. At present the children have began to enjoy of the vacations and making all preparatory and making ornaments for the Christmas trees.
By means of the Scholarship Programs of the SOS Village five young boys and girls continue their studies at the University, they are living out of village and are working too. In this year two of our young boys got married, they found good jobs and are very glad to form their own families.
In the SOS Vocational Centre there are two candidates to SOS aunts are receiving their training and learning a lot to offer to the excellent attention to the children in this village. There are some of the children with language, and orthopedic problems then their mothers take them to the rehabilitation centre where they are getting therapies,
Through the year the children not only made an effort in their studies but that also enjoyed with several celebrations like being “Child’s Day”, it is so special and joyful day and had the visit of one famous violinist. Also they participated in the recreational activities visiting the ecological parks. Also the young boys and girls of this village have socialized to the community collaborating with the cleaning of the streets and participating in the festival of folkloric dances.
On behalf of all the children, mothers and collaborators in this Village we sent our sincere gratefulness to all you for your kind support through many years, because it allows us to continue giving protection to the children in this village.
Ana Lizeth Alberto
Director SOS Children Village
Sponsor's letter from Tegucigalpa
Dear Sponsor:
Receive warm greetings from the children, young and collaborators of SOS Children Village SOS Tegucigalpa in Honduras, again we want to share with you about the most important activities during year 2006 and to thank you for the support to the children living especially in this village.
At the present time 118 children are being taken care in the 14 homes in this Village. The last home was opened on June of the present year in order to welcome a group of 5 brothers and 2 girls all they were received by a SOS aunt whom already has two years to be working in this Village. All these children have adapted very well to the life in the Village and they are very glad assisting to their schools.
The SOS families in this village are preparing with emotion to attend and to celebrate the events of schools graduations of the present year. The children will leave classes in the middle of this November and soon they will be enjoying the vacations. Between this population 11 children will receive their certificate of Pre-school Education, also 8 children will receive their certificate of Elementary , who are ready to began High School the next year. Meanwhile one girl of High School will graduate as Bachelor in Computer, this means a great success for this girl and for the SOS mother too, who is very proud and glad to be able to attend the graduation acts. Also three young girls are obtaining their diploma in the Sewing Workshop and two boys will get their diploma as Electrician. In this way they soon will be able to develop themselves in the society and obtain their first job experiences and to go away preparing for their independence.
At the moment we rent two great houses in the neighboring community in where is installed the SOS Community for 8 young ladies and the other Community with 10 boys, of these 18 young 4 study full time, 6 work and study and only 5 are working and preparing themselves for their next independence. Also three young obtained scholarship to study in foreign countries, by their good behavior and excellent grades in school, two boys are in Costa Rica and one girl is studying in Canada.
To strengthen the relation of affection and love we have organized the second annual visit of their biological families to the children if they have them. In the last months the mothers and a group of young girls of SOS Village have been participating in an interesting Course of cooking they are learning to elaborate new recipes of cook and to improve therefore the feeding of the children.
The children and young were interested and glad knowing the representatives the FIFA International they came to know the village and shared with the children some games and they did the donation to us of balls of soccer and sport uniforms and these already they are being very useful, since the youngest boys are enrolled in a soccer championship in community.
In the last six months a group of Students of the National Pedagogical University have been making a voluntary service giving classes of English and other educative activities with the children and young in this village. A group of 14 children have being attending the catechesis in the Catholic Church in the community to receive the sacrament of the baptism and other made the First Communion; later all returned to their homes to celebrate with a delicious lunch prepared by the mothers.
Through this year the children, as always have enjoyed much the recreational activities and special celebrations that have been developed in this village like the celebration of “child’s Day” with traditional games, contest of drawing, dance and songs. Also a group of children was invited by the group of Taca International (Air Company) to go for a walk in airplane in the runway of the airport that is near the village. This experience was very exciting for the children and they received many candies, gifts and the joy of clowns.
Through this year they have being working to develop the process of autonomy in the homes in where the mothers every time are developing their abilities, aptitude and training to assume the roll of mothers with responsibility concerning to children’s health, education and maintenance, administration of the home.
We wishing you Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 2007.
Lic. Adán López
Director Aldea Infantil SOS Tegucigalpa
Sponsorship letter from Choluteca
Dear Friends and Sponsors:
Receive warm greetings on behalf of all the Children, mothers, aunts and collaborators in SOS Children Village Choluteca.
It is almost finishing the present year and it has been of much success for us. At present we have 12 SOS families in this village, two houses were opened this year, so now we have 108 children between five months to 19 years old, the older girl.
The adaptation of the children in their new homes into the SOS Village was good, it came be more easy because the majority of them are little children, and they adapted very quickly to their new mothers, they share games, goes to the park in the city and goes to the supermarket, even thought it was more easy to ones than others, like the case of Luis who was separated of his biological brothers by five years before and they met again here, because Luis was living before in a orphanage it is very total difference than our families. He had low average in school, but he was improving his grades through the year at least the approved his first school year with very good notes.
Almost of the children are in pre-school age and 4 of them are getting their Certificate of Pre-school, also there are 9 young in High School, 2 of them next year will be start the first year of bachelor. This year all children approved their school year, 12 of them are getting their certificate of Elementary, between is Marlon who is graduating with very excellent grades. All their SOS families were very happy looking for those special days of graduations.
The children are very glad enjoying their vacations now, they are looking forward the Christmas time and the young boys and girls have integrated to the vacation jobs in the different stores in the community, it is important to them, because in that way they are getting responsibility and experience of jobs.
About the children that are getting Language Therapy in Rehabilitation Center, have presented good advance, now their language is more clearly, they are studying in the regular teaching schools, their SOS mothers are giving them support with the therapies too. The evaluation practiced to them, say will need six months more of therapies aid. Through the year, the rest of children have been in good health, except one of them had a surgery of one cyst in his heel.
One of our young girl took the decision to get married, today she is living in the community near of the village, she is pregnant and feels very happy for it, she also has communication with us because five of little brothers are living in the village.
The Family Strengthening Program and Abandoned Prevention is giving permanent training to the women of the communities in the places where they need more aid, giving protection to the children in whole areas.
At present, in city Choluteca they are attending 500 children from communities around this city, where the children and women have being benefited in that centers, especially the families with many children, social risk and illness families.
All the buildings and houses of this village look very nice always, with green areas, flowers around, thanks to the collaboration of the mothers, children, young and other personnel who are caring about the good care.
We finish it sending our sincere gratitude for your kind support especially to this Village, May God bless you forever.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sr. José Rodolfo Cruz
Director SOS Village
Child sponsor letter from Valle de Angeles
Dear Sponsors:
Receive many greetings and blessings from the SOS families in SOS Children Village Valle de Angeles, we hope all goals and wishes comes be true in coming year 2007 and it will be better to you and all us too.
This year is finishing and again it is time to inform about the most important activities and progress developed in this village. At present 90 children and young are living here also next to the village is the SOS Community of girls where is living 11 young girls. Between the children we have 7 young who are going to the Centre of Special Training and 3 of them got their certification last week, they are already to get a vocational job. Also 2 young girls are attending to the Learning workshop, and two of them continue working as helpers in kitchen in a restaurant, others are attending the Vocational workshop and Special Education in the village.
The Educative integration as employment especially for handicap people it is no easy, it is difficult to find the institutions and persons that want to give the opportunity where they can demonstrate their skills and abilities in different areas. It is the case of Karen who was attending the Centre of Special Training where she learned to confectioner’s cake during two years, before to get her certification she did a practice in a supermarket in the capital, later all the workmates took steps to could get formal job to Karen.
It is other new that we want to share with you that Dania and Moises were chose to participated in the International encounter of people with Syndrome Down celebrated in Portugal.
Through the present year as others the children have been integrated in the different activities carried out in this village, also in contest of sing, national costumes, poems and drawing. The teaches have collaborated a lot with them and one time to month they realized trips to the forest and the town it came of much happiness to each one of the children and young and enjoyed a lot it. During the year some individual persons and institutions comes to this village to share with the children toys candies and toys.
It has been a really pleasure to share with you our news also we want to send sincerely gratitude for your kind support through these years.
Lic. Juan Carlos Urquia
SOS Children Village
Valle de Angeles
Relevant Countries: Honduras.