Sponsor's update from Neradim

Update from Winter 2006
Dear Sponsor,
We are glad to have this opportunity to update you about the developments that have taken place in the village over the past year.
We currently have 105 children in the village; during the last year 8 children have left us: 3 graduated high-school and commenced their compulsory military service, 1 girl left to non SOS institutions, one girl was adopted and 3 returned to their parents. This year 13 new children have been successfully absorbed into the village.
We continue to invest in the academic field, the children getting daily study assistance at their SOS home by a teacher. In addition the children get personal help by professional teachers in the village classroom.
We also continue to invest considerable effort and energy in their extra curricula activities.
The children participate in variety of activities each one in his interest area.
This year we organized two treks that were very successful and contributed to consolidation amongst the children. These activities are the spring board for progress in all fields where excellence is often achieved.
In the summer we celebrated 25 years of activity at SOS day. Our children appeared on stage with song and dance, certificates of merit were awarded
to children in various age groups. Many important guests including The Board of Directors the National Director including the Mayor of Arad and his Deputies attended the event. Many Graduates together with their families and children participated in the event and it was exciting.
summer activities; we held a long trip to Lake Kineret (Sea of Galilee), but regretfully because of the war in the north we had to stop the trip and return immediately to the village. Of course, we organized alternative activities in order to give the children the opportunity to enjoy the summer vacation as far as we could. Another unfortunate case was that one of our Graduates was severely injured in his military service, and he is laid up in the hospital for a long recovery process.
In 2006, one of our teenagers from the youth house outside the village, Biko, traveled to Poland with a delegation from his school and we are very proud of him. In Poland the delegation visited the extermination camps and studied about what happened there.
We believe that our children in the village need to give of themselves back to the community, inside the village and outside.
The reason is to change classical patterns of behavior and distress which they were previously exposed. We believe that this idea is very important and must be accompanied by every educational and rehabilitative treatment processes with child. Currently, our children volunteer at Magen David Adom (Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross first aid Organization) and deliver food to poor families in the community in cooperation with a local food products factory and another voluntary association which organizes this project.
Finally, let us take this opportunity to thank you, our Sponsor, for keeping us in mind and helping us to turn dreams into reality. In the name of the children and staff of SOS Israel we wish you a Happy New year and hope for ongoing co-operation.
Matti Rose
Neradim Village Director
Child sponsorship update from Megadim

Update from SOS Children's Village Megadim
As in the past, we are glad to be able to come back to you with information about the progress and activities at the Megadim children's village.
The current number of children in the village stands at 54. This year 12 new children have been successfully absorbed into the village, and about 18 have left us as a result of welfare authority decisions. 10 of them returned to their parents and 5 of them moved to a non SOS institution. One girl was adopted and two of them graduated from high-school and commenced their compulsory military service. We hope to assist more children next year.
We widened our activities range for Megadim children to allow each and every child to find his interest area; photography class, football activities, scouting and challenge sports and ping pong, a drama group and workshop for improving social skills and self image through make up activity. Also we opened a computer room in the village and eight youths are studying at the community center to become computers tutors in order to guide the younger children in the future. In addition we opened a new studying center which exposes the children to a different learning atmosphere. In this center the children surf on the internet and experience enriching activities. Furthermore, we opened a new group for eight little children (nursery school till third grade) that have special activities. This is very successful and the children are enthusiastic.
Varied remedial treatments are provided for the children who need treatments Vis: remedial horse riding class, animals' therapy or art therapy.
This year twelve young volunteers join us for one year and give us their time and energy for the benefit of our children. These volunteers have art qualifications. They integrate into the village and assist the village staff.
Each year we celebrate the SOS Day in summer, which was the highlight of all the events. We held a central function to which the biological parents were invited as well as guests from the town and our SOS management etc. There was a special reference to our dear local and worldwide sponsors and donors whom we honor and thank with great appreciation that thanks to your help we can do the blessed work for the sake of the children.
During the summer vacation, the young children participated in summer camps in the town and the older ones participated in summer camps in the village which organized by the devoted staff members in the village. The children enjoyed varied activities but most of the activities were disrupted as a result of the security situation in the north of Israel.
Last November we opened our first youth house inside the village. The first step we have 5 teenagers and in the future it will be expand. In this house we educate them to be independent and responsible and integrate in the society in the future.
Summing up, we can say that the village is changing its style, mostly in the direction of more involvement in the community and more intensive care of the children.
We would like to express our appreciation to each and every one of you the sponsors who help us in a financial and moral way. Thanks to you we can continue to do our maximum for SOS Children's Village Megadim.
Wishing you Season's Greetings and happy New Year 2007.
Looking forward to your continuing co-operation,
Bentzi Biram
Megadim Village Director
Relevant Countries: Israel.