The Magic Lantern of Kimbustan: new novel supporting SOS Children
A story of love, betrayal and treasure, The Magic Lantern of Kimbustan is an exciting new children's adventure set in colonial-period India and modern day Scotland. But most importantly, proceeds from the book will be coming to SOS Children.

Julian Lewis may be new to writing children's books, but he's been an SOS sponsor for over 25 years and has come up with an exciting way to extend his support for the international children's charity. His first novel, The Magic Lantern of Kimbustan, is set partly in the magical pre-war days of colonial India, where his sponsored child lives, where a tale of mystery and intrigue, centred around a battered old lantern is woven.
Julian has gone it alone in self-publishing the book, which will be on sale in Waterstones and WH Smith stores nationwide, as well as in many smaller booksellers and online from Amazon from June. Julian will also be touring schools through the summer.
But if you can't wait till June, why not have a look at the The Magic Lantern of Kimbustan's website:
Relevant Countries: India.