Children suffer as fighting escalates in Lebanon
Tensions are rising once more in Lebanon following two weeks of fighting between the Lebanese Army and militant groups. Areas around the Palestinian refugee camps in Nahr al-Bared, in the north of the country, and more recently in Ain al-Hilweh, near Sidon, have seen the worst of the clashes.
Fighting between the army and the Jund al-Sham militant group, which has established itself at the refugee camp in Sidon, began over the past few days and continued into the early hours this morning. The SOS Children’s Village Sferai and SOS Youth Home, both of which are in close proximity to the camp, have been on high alert since fighting began.

According to news reports, fighting initially began when a militant threw a hand grenade at an army checkpoint just outside the Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp. At least five people were injured in the ensuing conflict.
The children’s village in Sidon, just like most families in the area, took the precaution of keeping all the children inside their family homes on Sunday evening. Lina Sarkis, assistant national director SOS Children in Lebanon, said co-workers have made sure that there are enough supplies in the children’s village for a number of days should the violence escalate. The youths in the SOS Youth Homes of Abra are also safe at home and have enough supplies in case of an emergency.
"It seems as though our wishes and hopes are far from being realized," said Sarkis. "We were just informed by the soldiers from the neighbouring army barracks [next door to the children’s village"> that they arrested a person with a bag containing 30kg of explosives, trying to plant it right under our windows."
Sarkis is hoping for a return to normalcy in the children’s village and youth homes: "We really hope that the children won't have to miss school any longer, especially because many of them have official exams to sit for; nevertheless, their safety is our first priority."
Relevant Countries: Lebanon.