Business-minded SOS Youth Is a Success

Lechesa joined SOS Children's Village Lesotho 13 years ago as a shy, reserved, quiet child. Today he is a confident, successful business man with a thriving tuckshop and driving school.
13 years ago Lechesa was a very shy and reserved child who would always respond only to direct questions with brief answers. He would make himself comfortable in a quiet corner and bother no-one. Today, at 26 years of age Lechesa is a happy, though still quiet, successful young entrepreneur. Determination, disciple and humbleness are his outstanding characters.
Most people considered Lechesa the least bright of his two biological brothers with whom he joined SOS Children's Village Lesotho. The basis for this assumption was his poor academic performance. He was struggling very hard with school work, and no matter how hard he tried, he continually failed his grades.
After one year's failure, however, it was discovered how brilliant Lechesa is in business matters. This discovery was revealed when he was 14. While still in primary school doing class five, Lechesa started a small business selling sweets.
How did the project get financed?
Lechesa took a school trip with other children from the village to another town in the far mountainous region of the country. Each child was given R20.00 (2,5 USD) pocket money. Lechesa said, "There was nothing to buy there because the school provided meals, drinks and snacks so I brought my money back. I then went and bought three packets of different types of sweets and started selling them during school, after school, and at soccer matches." Lechesa made a good profit and after a period of a year's business he bought the first television set in the SOS family. His family was the first to watch television from home.
To try help Lechesa with his academic career he was sent to a boarding high school. Unfortunately he could not pass. However, this never depressed him. Realising he would never succeed academically SOS Children's Village Lesotho supported him by giving him a chance to decide on an alternative future career.
While still thinking of his future career Lechesa opened a tuck shop at SOS Children's Village Lesotho and payed a small amount of rent for his premises. It was a success! With the profits from his tuckshop he managed to renovate the house left by his parents, and installed a water tap at his home.
In 2006 Lechesa decided to try his hand as a driving instructor. He took his license and successfully passed his driving lessons. After purchasing a car Lechesa opened a small driving school. He is doing well and maintains his car, while making a living, with the profits from the school and tuckshop. Failing academically never stopped Lechesa from achieving success
Relevant Countries: Lesotho.