Sponsor's update: SOS Community and Medical Centres

The Community Centre houses the following programmes:
Family Strengthening Programme (FSP). This programme supports the most vulnerable children and their families in the communities. We start to support these families before extreme poverty forces them to break up. Emphasis is placed on HIV/AIDS-infected and -affected children and their families. To date, 71 family heads; 291 children along with 97 adults are being catered for by the Family Strengthening Program. 32 of the family heads received microloans on Income generating Activities (IGA) that they are gradually repaying. The following are provided to beneficiaries by the FSP: food; (rice, oil, seasoning and beans), Medical, educational benefits for children, counseling, house rental, milk and clothes children. (Basic necessities when needed)
Computer Literacy Programme. This program is income generating. Since its commencement, there has been 7 phases from which income has been generated. A total of 270 students have benefited from the program; M---139 F---131
Emergency Ration and Health Programme. 57 (44 children, 13 adults) beneficiaries have been supported recently. These beneficiaries are disadvantaged families that are unable to provide the most basic needs for their children. Referral is usually made by the SOS clinic. They are then often placed on the FSP after a thorough investigation. Rice, beans, oil, milk, clothes and cereal for babies are provided.
Scholarship Programme: Children from destitute families are awarded scholarship and educational materials by the Centre. A total of 150 (girls 68, boys 82) children are presently on the scholarship.
Adult Literacy Programme. This program has catered to 225 adults with 186 females and 39 males since its inception. These are people that have either never been to school or stop as low as third grade.
SOS Medical Centre Congo

SOS Medical Clinic - Congo Town, Monrovia
The SOS Clinic has started rendering services on a 24-hour-basis including Saturday, Sunday and holidays.
The total number of patients registered is 11,294 of which 7,762 children aged 15 years old or less, and 3,532 are adults.
Recently, one hundred and sixty-two (162) children were completely vaccinated (BCG, Diphteria-Pertussis-Tetanus, OPV, Yellow Fever and Measles) while one hundred and eighty-seven women (187) of childbearing age (14 to 49 years) were fully immunized against Tetanus.
The Clinic is now considered the best equipped health facility in the Monrovia area, in terms of medical personnel, and equipments.
Relevant Countries: Liberia.