Sponsor's update from Vilnius

Dear Friends,
Season’s greetings to all of you! May this Christmas brings you joy, peace and rest in the surroundings of your family and friends. May this coming New Year 2008 be a year of good changes and success for you.
We are continuing to work with the children in our SOS Village, two Youth Facilities, SOS Kindergarten and we are also expanding our help to the children from the risk families.
Thank YOU for being so faithful with your financial contributions and so responsive to other needs of the children.
This time we would like to provide you with a short overview of the events in the Association of SOS Children’s Villages in Lithuania and also to give you an idea of the Christmas traditions here in Lithuania.
SOS Children’s Village and Youth Facilities
At the moment there are 70 children living in the Village, 16 youngsters living in two Youth Facilities and 5 youngsters living semi-independently. 4 children moved to Youth Facilities and 8 youngsters started living independently.
Youngsters are participating in different local and international projects. They are part of the Youth Exchange project together with Youth Facilities from Austria, Finland and Estonia. 6 youngsters participated in an international camp in Finland. Others took part in joint camps with Christian youths, with different youth clubs, including young entrepreneurs’ club.
8 children worked in the Village and 8 children worked in SOS Karkle resort by the sea during their summer holidays. 51 children camped in national camps. These are just some of the activities our children participated in.
Our goal is to protect children and youth from the fatal consequences of alcohol and drug abuse.
Our employees constantly receive trainings on the issues present among the children and youth, some of them are: ‘Helping Children Who Use Psychoactive Substances’, ‘How to Stop Bullying in Schools’, etc. 18 children are being provided with the help of psychologist, 15 speech therapist, 8 special needs educators.
SOS Kindergarten
Children had a special exhibition of the pictures they have taken with camera, called ‘Sun, Sky and Water’. . On All Souls’ Day children visited the cemetery and lighted candles they had made themselves.
Family Strengthening Projects
Association of SOS Children’s Villages in Lithuania runs two Family Strengthening Projects in Vilnius and Alytus town. At the moment there are 380 children participating in the projects alongside with their parents. This Summer 7 different camps and excursions were organised for these children. In September the children in need were supplied with schooling inventory, clothes and other necessary things. Future mothers are given trainings on how to take care of their children properly.
Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Traditions in Lithuania
Although Lithuania by tradition is a Catholic country, the roots and traditions of Paganism are strongly interwoven with the Christian ones. Moreover, Lithuania has undergone a long history of occupations and rule of other dominant countries, thus traditions are mixed and differ from family to family.
Dear Friends, we hope that this Holiday season will be both meaningful and joyful for you. Enjoy your family and friends! Thank you for sharing your warmth with Lithuanian children!
Sincerely Yours,
Dainius Miezys
SOS Children’s Village Director
Relevant Countries: Lithuania.