Child sponsor update from Tijuana

An update from the SOS Children's Village Tijuana, Summer 2007
It is finishing the first semester of this year and we are pleased to contact you again to thank you very much for all support we have received from you. Your kind heart allows us continue to support the SOS Children Village of Tijuana, Baja California and all the children who live there.
Nowadays, the community of the Village is integrated by 9 families in which we have a total amount 78 children, 46 girls and 32 boys. For the next school cycle one girl will attend to the university, 7 youths will attend to the preparatory school, 17 to de secondary school, 46 children to primary school, 6 to kinder garden, and one baby who does not go to any school yet.
We gladly inform you that Irene, the girl will start university to become an accountant, was graduated from the preparatory school with the highest average of her generation.
Thanks to the recent construction of 6 new houses in the Village. The three families who were living in rented houses moved in the village. We still have 3 houses to be inhabited, that is why, we are searching future SOS mothers. We hope we will take in more children during the next months. Unfortunately, the carelessness and abandoning is still common in our State.
As in past years, the celebrations are frequent in the Village’s community. After enjoying the winter vacations and celebrating Christmas and the New Year, all our children started the 2007 with many presents. Through those days, it is really common to see children playing with bicycles, roller skates, balls, dolls, and cars. On January, the school return decreases the intensity of these activities.
The hubbub started again on April with the Children’s Day celebration. In the Children’s school were organized festivals, and the children were given candies and presents. The SOS mothers also organized a party in which there were contests, sports competitions and prizes.
The recognition of the mothers’ labor was also a reason to celebrate on March. Due to the International Women Day, a breakfast was organized; the special guest was the Local Delegate who shared her experiences as a mother and a Government Employee.
We celebrated the Mothers Day, on May. In addition to the school festivals and congratulations in every family, there was a dinner for the SOS mothers at night. Through this event they were given a small present.
The summer vacations almost start and the children go with their mothers to ending course events, graduation parties, etc. Everybody is ready to go to cultural and formative activities, but mainly to go to close beaches in this hot summer.
Thank you very much once again. We really appreciate your kindness. Your help and support really make that our objective and mission become true.
Yours Sincerely,
Luis Manuel Reza Maqueo.
SOS Children Village of Tijuana Director
Sponsor's update from Comitan

An update from the SOS Children's Village Comitan, Summer 2007
It is finishing the first semester of this year and we are pleased to contact you again to thank you very much for all support we have received from you. Your kind heart allows us continue to support the SOS Children Village of Comitan and all children who live there.
The SOS Children Village of Comitan houses 16 families made up of 110 children. This year we have had the fortune to take in 4 new children among them two biological brothers. All of them have adapted themselves very well to their new families. Their arrival in the Village was a party reason, due to the fact that we organised a welcome party for them.
This year we have had many parties and celebrations. On January we had the Three Wise Men celebration with the traditional Three Wise Men Ring-Shaped cake, hot chocolate and presents for children.
On the International Women’s Day there were speeches for the mothers and a little celebration with snacks and games. The speeches were about: Self-esteem, women’s rights and gender equity, supported by Regional links from the Local Women’s Institute.
We gladly inform you that the family coexistence in the families of this Village is very good due to the fact that there is enough communication between the SOS mothers and the Children; hence, it is perceive a good family environment in the Village.
On April 30 (The Children’s Day), we got a donation so that the children went with their mothers to the movies. They were given candies and soda; in addition, there was a celebration at the Village in which the children got candies, cake, soda and toys.
We had two celebrations on May: on one hand, the 15th anniversary of Ana Maria Gomez Soberano and Carmen Camara Gomez. Their mothers organised a mass and a celebration lunch; on the other hand the Mothers’ Day on which the SOS mothers were given a little present and all children celebrated their mothers.
Thank you very much once again. We really appreciate your kindness. Your help and support really make that our objective and mission become true.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Sonia Jara
SOS Children Village of Comitan Director
Child sponsorship update from Hampolol

An update from the SOS Children's Village Hampolol, Summer 2007
It is finishing the first semester of this year and we are pleased to contact you again to thank you very much for all support we have received from you. Your kind heart allows us continue to support the SOS Children Village of Hampolol, Mexico and all the children who live there.
The Children Village of Hampolol has at these days 10 family houses assisting a total amount of 76 children and youths. At the end of the last year just two girls came into this Village. They were integrated in two different families and they have got use to these families. We also assisted 11 youths who are in the Youth Communities located in Campeche. These children are the pride of their mothers.
We are proud of showing that Aldeas Infantiles SOS Mexico I.A.P. is recognized by its efforts in favor of the Children. The village of Hampolol, registered the Institution to participate in the local prize “Unidos Para Ayudar” (joined to help) organized by the Best, A.C. Foundation. Our village got the first place and we were prized with $25,000.00 MXP.
The SOS mother Paulita Ek Chable went to Morelia, Michoacán joint to two of her children, to be prized with a gold ring due to her 15 years of service as a Mother SOS. It was a very emotional event. There were SOS Children Villages’ authorities and important sportspeople of our country, who made happy the children over there and mainly the Paulita’s children, Miguel and Jennifer (10 year old twins) who came back very excited for having met them and received presents and autographs from them.
We prepared a breakfast to welcome mother Paulita after her trip. This breakfast was also to recognise the labour of the all mothers and aunts in the village. Their labour also was praised by local institutions and authorities who gave them presents, credits and congratulations.
We celebrate the “Children’s Day” on April 30th. This month was very enjoyable for our children due to the fact that they celebrated this day in the village, at their schools, with extern people who love them. They received many congratulations, presents, festivals, food and all those things are capable of making children laugh.
Thank you very much once again. We really appreciate your kindness. Your help and support really make that our objective and mission become true.
Yours Sincerely,
Lariza A. Meléndez Enríquez
International Sponsorships Coordinator in Mexico
Sponsor's update from Tuxtla Gutierrez

SAn update from the SOS Children's Village Tuxtla, Summer 2007
It is finishing the first semester of this year and we are pleased to contact you again to thank you very much for all support we have received from you. Your kind heart allows us continue to support the SOS Children Village of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas and all the children who live there.
Since 2006 our village has 9 family houses which allow us taking in 81 children. At the moment, we have 42 disabled children and 25 regular children. It is a total amount of 66 children living and enjoying of an inclusion family culture without differences.
On 6 January 2007 the SOS mothers organised themselves to buy the toys their children had asked the Three Wise Men by written letters which the children had left in their shoes the previous night. This morning there were many surprises, smiles and much happiness. They woke up very early and visited each other in order to show their presents. They spent much time playing with their toys in the quioscos close to their houses. The mothers and aunts also carried out the traditional Three Wise Men Ring-Shaped Cake sliding. All people who got a boy doll, committed to offer the traditional “Tamales” (Mexican food prepared with dough and meat) on 2 February 2007.
Due to the fact that Orlando Rodriguez Garcia had to undergo surgery at the Rehabilitation National Centre in October 2006. He and his SOS mother have had to go to Mexico, City, so that he can continue the treatment. The rehabilitation is being given at the Human Development Institute, of our City. He has improved a lot, nowadays he can walk around the village.
At the end of January we started the proceedings to register our children in the Children’s Rehabilitation Centre “Teleton.” Six of our children were accepted, these children were: Jennifer Pimienta Lopez, Angel Ismael Ramirez Farrera, Angel Gabriel Reyes Hernandez, Fatima Morga Lopez, Carlos Mateo Gutierrez Hernandez, Laura Guadalupe Medina Lopez. Their SOS mothers have played excellent. We congratulate them for their enthusiasm, responsibility and patience.
We took in two children on February: Sandra Guadalupe Aguilar Aguilar who is 4 years old was incorporated into the house number 1 with the aunts Valeria and Irma. The other child is Rolando Arevillaga Roblero who is 8 years old.
February was a very happy month for the families in the village, manly for the family who live in the house number 2. They celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of Maria Del Carmen (Lili). The aunt Lupita organized a huge party. The community accompanied Lili in her mass and subsequently there was a delicious dinner at the village with music and cake. All people enjoyed this celebration.
On March 10th Miriam Sarai who is 9 months and lives in the house number 9 was underwent the harelip surgery. She has to wait for some time for the final surgery.
The children’s month started with lots of happiness due to the fact that we took in three children: Iber (7 years old) and Raul Alejandro (3 months) who has harelip illness were incorporated in the house number 7 with the aunts Graciela and Isabel. The aunt Lore of the house number 6 took in a 5 day baby. She is the youngest baby the village has taken in.
Angel Ismael Ramirez Farrera (9 years old) and Brenda Lissett Lopez Urbina (4 years old) were underwent tendon release surgery. The aunts Lusila and Lupita went to Tapachula, Chiapas to take care of them. The surgery was a success!!!!!!!!
Raul Alejandro (4 months) was underwent harelip surgery on May. It was a success and at the moment he can drink and eat without problem. He should wait for some moths for a second surgery.
We could not go unnoticed the “Mothers’ Day.” This event was organised by the collaborators of the Village and by the children who are of age to congratulate the SOS mothers who enjoyed a delicious barbecue, snacks, games, raffles, music and dancing.
Also on that they we quipped the houses with washing machines, irons, blenders, microwave ovens, pressure cookers and some music equipments. The SOS families thank all our sponsors to make possible the equipment of their homes.
On the last week of May the plaster from the Brenda’s and Ismael’s legs was removed and nowadays they are assisting to take therapy at the IDH (Rehabilitation Local Centre) and at the Children’s Rehabilitation Centre “Teleton.” We hope they will be able to walk soon.
Through those days we received again the announcement so that Ernesto (weak visual) and Daniela (blind) participate in the “National Paralympics for weak visuals and blinds” which will be carried out in Puebla, Puebla. We wish they had much success!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much once again. We really appreciate your kindness. Your help and support really make that our objective and mission become true.
Yours Sincerely,
Lic. Raúl Díaz Zarate
SOS Children Village of Tuxtla Director
Relevant Countries: Mexico.