Nepal's President visits SOS emergency relief programme

On Monday, during a visit to meet victims of the recent flooding, the newly elected President of Nepal, Dr Ram Baran Yadav, visited the SOS relief programme currently being run at Sarada Higher Secondary School in Balaha. 560 flood victims (250 of whom are children) are temporarily being housed at the School and are being provided shelter, food, clothing and basic medical care. SOS are running daily activities for the children such as painting and games and is also offering counselling to both children and adults. The President was very impressed with SOS Childern's management of the camp and was particularly happy to see the cheerful faces of children.

As a charity, SOS Children does not focus on emergency relief and is more specialised in long term care for orphans, generally supported by people who sponsor a child. However, often we are the first charity on the scene of disasters and we have built up considerable expertise in dealing with traumatized children and tracing families.
Relevant Countries: Nepal.