Sponsor's update from Jorpati

Dear Sponsors / Dear Friends,
Namaste !
“Thank you very much for every thing that I received from you and I will try my best to stand independently as a good citizen and I promise I will not let down your head in any circumstances.” A youth was assuring us during his final integration from SOS Youth Facility. To see this wonderful moment we have waited more than two decades. Twenty years ago when this boy was here he was with various problems. But mother’s affection and care, family environment and many friendly helping hands played vital role to heal his inner and outer wounds. After completing ten years of school education he simply shifted his attention at technical school and got the diploma in offset press handling. For nearly four years he worked at various printing houses to gain experiences and now country’s leading publication house became the dependable platform for his independency. Nowadays he is working there as a reliable pressman.
Comprising his confident assurance, we would like to extend our best wishes and heartiest greetings for you and your family’s happiness, good health, peace and prosperity on the happy occasion of Christmas and New Year 2008. And at the same time we would like to present you this brief report on our activities.
This year, up to end of November 07, we have welcomed three new children. Surprisingly, all three kids Raikosha, Deepak and Kopila are from remote places of far-western region of the country. Similarly three children who have completed their school education have been shifted at the youth facilities. At present, we have sixty-eight children in SOS Children’s Village Jorpati. Forty children live in our five different family homes inside the village and twenty eight youngsters are living in the two youth facilities, rented apartments and at the hostels of their concerned colleges.
The current academic session of our children has already crossed the half way. During this half session children have done very well and are committed to do much better in upcoming session also. Three children who have appeared in the School Leaving Certificate examination came out with praiseworthy results. Keshav passed with distinction and joined 10+2 in science stream. Nima and Amrita both passed in first division but joined different streams. Nima has joined 10+2 in management stream and Amrita is in humanities stream. Our little children of preparatory section are not happy with us since their teacher Miss Hasina flew to France for further study and they think that we have managed every thing for her scholarship and departure. Nevertheless, new teacher Miss Pushpa is trying her level best to cover the emptiness occurred due to absent of their loving teacher. After receiving a weeklong in-house training we came to realise that certain change must be done in our special children and youth's daily routine. We know it will be a bit messy for them to cope with new routine but we are also confident that they will be familiar within short period of time with new program and activities.
Our youths are also equally doing well in their studies and other activities. Lets start from the boys; our boys Hem, Ram and Niraj have passed grade eleven and doing well in grade twelve. Prajawal has completed his 10+2 (Intermediate Level) and has now joined BSW (Bachelor in Social-work). Ram Prasad, Ujwal, Suraj and Santosh have joined Vocational Traning Centre Pokhara. These four youths have joined in different traits. Ram Prasad is for six months' secretarial course whereas Ujwal for electrical and electronics, Suraj for carpentry and Santosh for Motor-mechanics and the duration of these courses are two years. Besides regular training Rajkumar has started volunteer work in his previous school as a Braille teacher for kindergarten section. He will also help school management in translation work for the blind students. Some senior youth are in the process of the integration. We are closely monitoring them; if situation appears favorable by the end of December two youths will start real independent living in the community. We may be able to add some more good news about our youth in our next report.
Talking about girls; Rajkumari and Anita are now in the Bachelor’s level. Rajkumari has finished the first year examination of her Bachelor Program which is a three year Academic Program where as Anita has finished the second semester of Bachelor Program which is a four year Academic Program. On the other hand, Jayanti has finished the Bachelor Program while waiting result she has joined six months secretarial course. Saraswati Aryal is now in the final year of her Bachelor Program. Similarly, Geeta is now in the Bachelor Program where as Narbada is preparing for her examination of one year Post Graduate. Youths engaging themselves in Vocational field are equally performing well. Saraswati Shah and Manju are doing well in their respective fields. Besides studies, some youths are still engaging themselves in Volunteer Service. Saraswati Aryal is continuing her service of teaching Non-Formal Education to elderly women. Gita has become a member of “Independent living for Disables”, an Organisation working to uplift the status of Disables. On the other hand, Rajkumari is going to join the Primary Teacher’s Training.
Yesterday we have observed 16th International Disabled Day with the new slogan DIGNIFIED JOB FOR DISABLED PEOPLE. On this occasion various program (Wheelchair race, painting competition, advocacy and awareness program) were organised. All the member of this premises including our youth have participated in the program with great joy. In the final day, on 3rd December a formal program was organised and the Minister for Labor and Transportation was invited as the chief guest for the function. Making us honored, our four children won four prizes out of the eight in the painting competition.
In October we celebrated Dashain. It is a week long festival. Family reunion, kite flying and special fest are the main attraction of the festival. In the main day of the festival, all family members of Jorpati were gathered at the village to receive tika and blessings from their elders. Some of the youths had also gone to visit their biological family members and relatives. And in the middle of November we celebrated Tihar. This festival is also known as the Festival of the lights. During the festival people worship dog (gate keeper of heaven), cow (symbol of wealth), crow (messenger) and own-selves. In the fourth day of the festival the ethnic group of the valley (Newar community) had New Year celebration. According to their calendar (Nepal Sambat) now we are in 1128 NS.
Dear Friends, Dear Sponsors! Last year we were very happy when seven parties’ alignment and rebel group sat together and signed mutually on a peace treaty. But now political situation is heading in reversal condition. Seven parties unity is getting weaker day by day. We think some thing is hiding behind our faith and is much interested to demolish the golden future of this country. None of these political parties are interested to raise the veil from culprit’s face. But we know they don’t have other option rather than sitting together and working mutually.
We hope they will realise it very soon. With this dream, on behalf of all our children, youths, mothers and staffs we would like to thank you for your continued support to our differently able children. We all are aware that we owe a lot to your generosity. We all join our hands to extend our best wishes and warmest greetings ..
Yours Sincerely
Siddhartha Shakya, Sponsorship Department and Rabin Nepali, Director
Child sponsorship update from Kavre

Update from November 2007
Dear Friends,
Christmas season has been approaching, may we take this opportunity to send you our deepest thanks and great gratitude for your generous support and kind concern to our work. We always convince that your kind support is enabling us to work for our dear children of SOS Children’s Village Karve. Please let us know to present you our brief report to what was going on during the second half of year 2007. On behalf of all children, mothers and coworkers of SOS Children’s Village Kavre, we would like to extend you our greetings and best wishes on the eve of Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year 2008.
This year 12 new children have been admitted in the Village. They are from the age 5 months to 8 years old. All of them are well adjusted in their new family home. Except the baby, all of them attend school in different classes. In Nepal, usually new academic session begins in the month April and these children have lost courses for 2-3 months as they were admitted in June-August. However, additional classes for these children and other weak learning children have been arranged in the morning and evening.
With this new number of children, our Village is a home for 175 Children/Youths living in the SOS families and Youth facilities. Girls are living in private girl’s hostel at Kathmandu and Boys are living in 2 rented apartments at Kathmandu (Capital city) and Banepa. They are happy with their new life and gained lots of experiences about life skills, common lifestyle, self esteem, value of money, career development etc. Narayan Sundar Swanepa (boy), got admission in under graduate level at Kathmandu University. He is studying computer Engineering. Similarly, Sabitri Dhakal (girl) is seeking for admission in Tribhuwan University to study Animal science or Microbiology. Rests of our youths are pursuing 11 and 12 classes in different schools and colleges. All of them are doing well in their studies but few of them needs extra coaching and we have already provided extra coaching class to them.
We the family of SOS Karve was very exited when Manila Shrestha won the gold medal in Katmandu District level Badminton Tournament (girls U-16 level) in August 2007. She had also participated National Championship at Bharatpur for the first time but could not success to win but we are fully hopeful for next tournament to get medal. Sita Basnet has been elected chairperson of our SOS Creative Child Club (CCC). Under her dynamic leadership; the child club had organized various programmes like cleaning campaign of holy temple “Dhaneshwor”, Quiz contest, Volleyball tournament, Inter school essay competition on child right etc.Sita and Roshani (both girl) has been elected as a member of District level child club network which is formed by government’s Child Welfare Committee. To develop their leadership and personality, an effective public speaking training has been provided to all our senior children in September 2007 with joint collaboration with Kavre Junior Jaycee and Kavre lady Jaycee.
As every year, we celebrate all civic and traditional festivities of our country and our SOS village as well. 20 days long, festival vacation has finished. All the members SOS Kavre celebrated Dashain (festival of 10 days) and Dipawali (Festival of lights) with great enthusiasm and zeal. During the festival, mothers, uncle (me) and their relatives blessed our children. Children went to local market with their mothers to buy new cloths, and foods. Children also participated Inter family House Kite flying competition. Indrawati house (name of family house) won first prize (chicken) while Tilicho house bagged second prize (2 tray eggs).
In August 10+2 education program has been started in our Hermann Gmeiner School. Grade 11 with management stream is running for this academic session. 40 new students have been enrolled in this session. The school with the enrollment of over 500 pupils has more than 80% of its pupils coming from the nearby communities and are getting quality education. Scholarship scheme has enabled many poor pupils to come to this school. At present 91 students who have poor economic family background receives scholarship through SOS Children’s Village Kavre.
We really feel very happy to be in contact with you this last period of year 2007, and we want to send you our sincere gratitude for your generous support which it is possible the growth and development of our SOS families and Youths in our SOS Children’s Village Kavre We feel very honored and grateful to have you as part of our big SOS family.
With greetings and best wishes, I remain.
Sincerely Yours,
SOS Children’s Village Kavre
(Karma Lama)
Asst. Director
Relevant Countries: Nepal.