Child sponsorship upate from Pokhara

Update from Summer 2007
We are happy to present the First Half yearly Report (January to June 2007) of this Village.
We owe our gratitude to the National Director and his wonderful team of coworkers at the National Office with whom all our efforts for the well being of our children are coordinated in a family like atmosphere.
This warm feeling of camaraderie and smooth working relationship with all SOS units in the country has enabled us to work very smoothly in the implementation of all our resolutions and programs.
Location Male Female Total
Children living in the SOS Family Homes 57 49 106
Children living in SOS Hermann Gmeiner High School Hostel 08 17 25
Children living in SOS Vocational Training Centre Pokhara 04 -- 04
Children studying in Namgyal High School Kathmandu 11 14 25
Children studying in affiliated SOS schools in India -- 01 01
Youths in various colleges in India & Nepal 18 16 34
Youth undergoing Art Training in India 02 -- 02
Youths in special school in Dharamsala-India 02 -- 02
Total Children under our care and support 102 97 199
Schooling and education:
In the initial years of our Village set up, our children attended the neighbouring government school along with local children from the Nepali Community. But slowly, the need for a ‘special’ school for Tibetan children was felt extremely necessary to preserve and promote our ancient language, literature, culture and traditions of our civilization, which was slowly disappearing due to harsh political realities. With this in mind, the SOS Hermann Gmeiner School Pokhara was established on June 6, 1987 exclusively for the children of our Village and those from the Tibetan Refugee Community in Pokhara. This school has the unique distinction of not only learning and preserving the Tibetan identity but at the same time following the curriculum prescribed by the Ministry of Education, Government of Nepal.
This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the school. Over the years, the ‘exclusiveness’ has changed into ‘inclusion’ of local Nepali children from the neighbouring families thereby creating a blend of communal harmony between the two communities.
From the Village 15 children sat for the grade-X SLC Exams. Likewise, 4 children appeared for the Grade-XI and 2 children appeared for grade-XII exams in April/May 2007.
The Village children come from extremely deprived sections of the Tibetan Refugee Community in Nepal. Each child has a heart-rending tale to tell. Amazingly the in built mechanism in each to seek joy and happiness, despite the adversities, strongly supported by the Village “Mothers” elder ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’ have helped in leaving the past behind. It gives us great satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment to see happy smiling faces of every new child within weeks.
This is the result of the love, care, emotional support, happy family atmosphere, nutritious food and a healthy life provided with the help of the SOS Organisation and a team of dedicated Mothers, Coworkers and teachers. The strong interaction within the family Homes, with children from other Homes, with children at school and the exposure of our children to every social, cultural and religious event outside the ‘Village’ provides ample opportunities for self-esteem and personality development.
Our small dispensary is well equipped to meet any minor incidences of seasonal afflictions and First Aid treatment. We are happy to report that our children continue to enjoy good health. Thorough Medical check ups of all new admissions are a policy, which we have been following strictly. Thereafter, we take up follow up measures in case any illness is detected.
The request for new children to be admitted into the Village continues to flow on regular basis. Similarly, more and more children leave the Village after integrating into the main stream of society. In the first half of the year, seven (7) of our children have become independent. Out of these seven children three (3) youth have completed their education and supporting themselves. While three of our children were able to rejoin their families with the rise in their economic status and one young girl has been employed as an Aunt in our Village.
Mothers Retire:
On the same day of the visit, a small but solemn gathering was held at the Village Community Hall to bid farewell to two Village Mothers who had retired after years of loving services to the SOS. Amidst tears and ‘Khata’-a ceremonial silk scarf, the mothers received appreciation and gratitude from the Project Director on behalf of all present. A special token of gratitude recalling their selfless and dedicated service was presented to them in the presence of the Nation al Director and other coworkers.
New Admission and Outreach Program:
This year the ‘Admission Committee’ selected 16 (sixteen) of the most deserving cases for new admission into the Village. Among others, two sets of twins were also admitted this year. Since they were so small, the Village ‘Mothers’ have been assigned full time Aunts to assist them for a period of time. The Outreach Program of providing financial help to destitute families and children has been carried on as an on going process.
National Training Centre:
The SOS NTC at Kavre has been very busy in a yearlong program to conduct Workshops, Seminars, Trainings and Meetings for all our Coworkers. We are grateful to the National Office for providing so much Training to our Mothers, Aunts, Coworkers and Teachers from time to time.
In service Professional Development Program (April 15-16): Like the previous year, I was happy to attend and observe the Second In Service Professional Development Program conducted by the teachers of the SOS School. This year, with the use of multimedia and the lessons from the first Workshop, the Program became more educative and meaningful. I was happy to see the ‘follow up’ measures of 2006 being implemented or in the various stages of implementation.
Children’s involvement in Leadership quality:
Since last year, the senior students of the Village have come up with a novel idea of accepting and executing responsibilities in the Cleaning up Programs every week within the Village compound. They have also organized indoor games and helped in maintaining the garden.
20th Anniversary of SOS School Pokhara (June 6, 2007):
HRH Princess Sharda Shah formally inaugurated the SOS School Pokhara on June 6, 1987. There were around 45 students in grade-I and II along with the Crèche and Kindergarten children and five staff members. The school has now grown into a full-fledged Higher Secondary Level with over 500 students and around 40 teachers and other staff. To mark the 20th Anniversary the school will be celebrating the occasion by a simple ceremony with photo exhibitions, cultural programs, games and talks by ex-students..
SOS Day Celebrations (June 23):
A committee comprising of the SOS Children’s Villages in Pokhara and the SOS Vocational Training Centre will organise ‘Blood donation’ Camps to support the Nepal Red cross, in addition to our regular feature of soccer match between the children of the two Villages studying in grade-VI and below. Art Competition and Poetry recitation on the Inter School Level Competition will also be one of the high lights.
Ngawang Dorjee
Project Director
SOS Children’s Village (for Tibetans) Pokhara
Relevant Countries: Nepal.