Children sponsorship letter from Niger

Dear sponsors,
Through this current report, we would like to give you updates on new events and developments that occurred in the SOS children’s village of Niamey in the year 2006.
One Hundred and twenty children live in the SOS children’s village of Niamey composed of 12 family houses and 41 young adults are living in 3 youth facilities. During the year 2006, 31 children were admitted in the Village in favour of the construction of two new family houses and one girl youth community.
In terms of staff development, a new youth advisor and three SOS aunts have been recruited and two other aunts have been promoted as SOS mothers.
The young adults continue their training about self-employment and other various guidelines of framing. Four of them (two boys and two girls) have obtained scholarship fees in order to help them continue their studies in a technical secondary school at SOS Benin called ESMA (Arts Secondary School). One SOS young adult is now working at a road building company. Another one who has finished his probation will be fully installed by the next January 2007. The youth facility’s stage of framing is of greet importance to our youth because it helps them to be independent.
The young adults and their advisors continue to organise time by time some discussion sessions on various topics related to their daily life within the community. These topics concern the STD/HIV/AIDS, youth and family, alcoholism; misdemeanours of drug consumption, basic hygiene, etc.
A lot of activities occurred during the year 2006 and were mainly related to the application of SOS children’s villages manual and the United Nations’ child right convention.
The family strengthening programme is working in three surrounding districts of the SOS children’s village of Niamey. Much assistance is provided to poor families in the areas of education, food assistance and health care. Income generating activities are organised by the programme in order to help the targeted families to reinforce their economic abilities.
On the education level, the SOS Hermann Gmeiner Primary School continues giving excellent results (an average of 92% success to the end-term examination). This school is now providing teaching on computer system and English. Thus, teachers have received additional trainings on skill and competences empowerment.
In terms of leisure, the SOS young adults and children participated to some excursions to the site of giraffes in the village of Kouré (60 kilometres from Niamey), to the rice farms in the village of Kollo and to the village of Farié to contemplate movements of the ferry. Through guided visits our children had the opportunity to visit some national companies. The children’s holiday camp brought other children to the Village of Gaya (village on the border with Benin). Many SOS children and young adults have joined their biological families to enjoy their vacations.
The feast of Ramadan, traditional feast of the Moslems has been celebrated at the SOS Children’s Village in a cordial ambiance. The 2006 Christmas feast is actively getting ready. As usual, the SOS mothers are already choosing models, clothes and the Christmas presents to be offered to their children.
On the health level, our nursery continues to assist the sick children. Unfortunately, some children and young adults are enduring chronic illnesses such as eczema and the loss of view. According to cases, children are taken in charge by the specialized physicians in the public and private hospitals of Niger. We expect better satisfactory medical results for all the sick children and young patients in a nearly future.
All our SOS children and young adults have been vaccinated with all vaccines recommended by the World Health Organisation. We have henceforth signed a contract with a clinician psychologist for regular follow-up of some children who are facing some school difficulties.
On public relations side, the SOS children’s village of Niamey has welcomed a lot of personalities such as the first lady, Mrs Laraba TANDJA with three ministers when celebrating the African Child’s Day (June 16th 2006). Indeed, the Nigerien Network for Childhood (ReNE) has chosen the SOS children village to launch the activities of the celebration of this important event. The year 2006 was unforgettable for the SOS children of Niamey: the President of SOS Kinderdorf international, Mr Helmut KUTIN came to Niger for a short visit. This visit has positively changed the lives of the children who especially organised songs, sketches, and dances to welcome their visitor.
Dear sponsor, On behalf of all the SOS children, the SOS staff and the SOS mothers, we would like to thank you wholeheartedly for your generous and kind support which enables us to achieve our activities.
We wish you good odds, health, happiness and full successes in your business during this summer.
Directeur de Village
Relevant Countries: Niger.