SOS Children in Peru

Peru is one of the larger countries (five times bigger than UK) in South America with a rich and varied culture and a wealth of natural resources. However the majority of the population of over 27 million, are impoverished indigenous Native Americans, and the social contrasts between rich and poor are enormous. Peru's development has been held back by corruption and the failure to face up to social problems. Despite recent economic growth, there has been little improvement in the lives of the poorest people. Many live in massive slums, lacking even the most basic needs. More than half the population is unemployed and malnutrition, particularly amongst children, is widespread. The average daily income per person is less than £4 (In the UK the equivalent figure is £46).
The charity started its work in Peru in 1975. Today there are eight SOS Children's Villages in Peru which are home to over 850 children and young people. In addition there are fifteen projects attached to the villages providing education, social and medical care for the local communities.
Zarate: the first community opened by the charity in Peru was opened in 1975. It is about three miles from the centre of Lima, the capital of Peru. It has 15 family houses, a community centre, a kindergarten and a handicrafts workshop. There is also a small farm.
Esperanza: the charity opened its community at Esperanza, Chosica is about 25 miles from Lima and was opened in 1978. There are 7 family houses.

Rio Hondo: also in Chosica is the SOS Children's community at Rio Hondo which has 12 family houses, a kindergarten, a community centre and a workshop. The children attend the local schools in Chosica.
Chiclayo: in northern Peru, close to the border with Ecuador, about 475 miles from Lima, is the SOS Children's Village Chiclayo with twelve family houses, two youth houses and a kindergarten. The charity has set up two SOS social centres in Chiclayo to provide day care for children of working families and single mothers and other community support programmes.
Arequipa: in southern Peru is the country's second largest city. The SOS Children's Arequipa community is in Cerro Colorado in the western part of the city, in an area with good schools and other facilities which are used by the Children's Village. It has twelve family houses and four youth houses. Two SOS social centres have also been established in Arequipa providing similar services to those in Chiclayo.
Cuzco: high in the Andes, was once the centre of the legendary Inca kingdom, Tahuantinsuyo, and is a popular tourist attraction. The SOS Children's Cuzco community, the sixth to be built in Peru, is close to the city centre, in the district of Santiago and its ten family houses and two youth houses provide a family home for over 100 children and young people. There is also an SOS social centre providing community support programmes and child day-care.
Huancayo: Peru's seventh SOS Children's Village opened in 1999 in Huancayo, about 180 miles east of the capital, Lima. The twelve family houses in the SOS Children's Village Huancayo are home to more than 100 children. The charity's two social centres provide handicraft and household management courses for local women as well as a wide ranging education programme for local children.
Callao: the eighth community in Peru was opened in 2001 on land donated by the Archbishop of Peru. Callao is a district of Lima that has high unemployment and families on low incomes. The village consists of 12 family houses and a Social Centre that includes a day care centre for 120 pre-school children. In addition the charity social centre provides medical care for children and their families from the local community.
Local Contacts

SOS Children in Peru:
SOS Aldeas Infantiles del Peru,
Calle 1 Nr.744-Urb.Corpac,
San Isidro,
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 2366
Lima 100,
Tel: +51/12/24 11 73, +51/12/24 10 83
Fax: +51/12/24 25 64
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