School Linking and Village Sponsorship
Are you interested in sponsoring a village and school linking?
By sponsoring an SOS Children's Village, your school can develop a lasting partnership with an SOS Nursery, Primary or Secondary School. You could explore similarities and differences in everyday life, share resources and exchange experiences. This very tangible link serves to fully engage the interest of pupils and teachers alike. Sponsorship is £240 a year. All money raised goes directly to the SOS Children's Village you are supporting. This fundraising opportunity encourages pupils to become active and responsible citizen's, through the development of organisational and leadership skills.

What can you expect from your school link?
You will receive an introductory pack with a profile of the SOS Children's Village and link School.
A copy of A World of Learning. This is a CD encyclopaedia that is a fantastic global citizenship resource.
A World of Learning Twice yearly newsletters from the SOS Children's Village.
Many schools develop the relationship exchanging letters, artwork and stories.
Teachers have strengthened the partnership by visiting their SOS Children's Village and link School.
The link can feed into global citizenship, PSHE and add a global dimension to the whole curriculum.
A Case Study:
William Westley School, Whittlesfield sponsors Tlokweng SOS Children's Village in Botswana.
Teachers have used this link thoughout the curriculum. Children have been inspired by African story telling in English lessons, have cooked up delicious Botswanan meals and Botswana has been used as a case study in geography.
The Photograph opposite is of pupils serving Botwanan tea in traditional dress.
The school displays pictures of school children at Tlokweng, information about the village and maps of the region.This gives children a greater understaning of the global community.
Bryony Kite, a teacher at the school, went out the visit Tlokweng in the summer of 2005. She spent three weeks in Botswana and on her return has fed her experiences into her teaching.
The school fundraise for Tlokweng every year through cake sales, on harvest festival and sponsorship events. They focus on their school link every year on Mothering Sunday when they celebrate SOS mothers at a special school assembly.
How can our school fundraise?
Schools fundraise in any number of ways, from fashion shows to non-uniform days, cakes sales to sponsored spells. Maybe you would like to come up with some new ideas?
Many schools choose take part in SOS Children's campaigns World Orphan Week (WOW) and the joint World Cup campaign with FIFA, "6 villages for 2006".
If you are interested in sponsoring a village then please fill in our sponsorship form. In the special instructions section please mention that you are a school that wishes to sponsor an SOS Village. You can also make a request by region or interest and we will do our best to set up a suitable link. We will contact you within 3-4 weeks with information about the SOS Children's Village you have sponsored. Sponsorship Form
If you have any questions please contact Helen on or 01223 365589.