Child sponsorship update from Dakar

Update from 2007
Dakar SOS children counts 145 children including 67 girls and 78 boys. Our children, whose age varies between 1 year and 19 years, attend the village nursery school (29 children), the primary school (85) and the secondary (16) and vocational training (1).
28 new children (10 girls and 18 boys) were admitted, after the exit of 18 teenagers who reinstated their biological family of reception, or widened natural family.
Like each year, the traditional ceremony of the Christmas tree (presents Christmas are given to the children) was chaired by Mrs. Viviane WADE, the president’s wife ad many artists took part in the event.
The village of Dakar also organised in August 2006 the forum of SOS mothers (Meeting of training exchanges of all SOS mothers of the four villages of SENEGAL), and received the visit of Mr. Aristide RAMACCOTTI, who is the continental director.
The children practise various manual activities and sports (serigraphy, dyeing, batik, kitchen courses, how to make musical instruments, karate, football, basketball, theatre,) as far as socio educational activities and sports are concerned; they also integrated several vacations camps, and outdoor centre after a successful school year.
The school results are very satisfactory: Baccalaureate (100 per cent of success), Diploma of middle end studies: BFEM (100 per cent of success), Elementary End Studies Certificate: CFEE (90,90 per cent of success). It is necessary to announce the fastening of the young teenagers framing who have left the SOS village since August 1st, 2006 and the organisation of training camp for the young people in the village.
The nursery school currently takes charge of 148 children, because on 160 registered, 12 were withdrawn for removal, assignment or trip of the parents. The total strength has varied between 150 and 160 children since last year. The nursery school parties (Christmas, Fatty Tuesday ) and the discovered exist at the tortoises’ village and the Wayembane’s farm was organized in collaboration with the children, the mothers and other VESOS staff.
Compared to our neighbours, we give to the most improvised families the possibility to entrust their preschool child to us. The SOS Nursery School is an active member of zone 4 of Grand Dakar 1 district; it is selected among the nursery schools having to convey the setting of curriculum test of basic education and the sampling of the hand washing.
An important work of basic orientation and collection of information on the school of young people was made by all the team of framing. A new concept of framing was born. The young people framed being 71 in numbers.
Among the various activities of the framing we can note:
- Payment of the scholarships: each picture framer pays since January 2007 the scholarship, the schooling and the transport of these young people.
- Visit of accompaniment in FNEA: a monthly planning of visits in residence is worked out and carried out a least twice per month for exchanges with the referent in family and the young person.
- Visit of establishment: discussion with the referent at the school, participation in meetings between parents and teachers, payment of schooling in some contexts, withdrawal of the composition reports.
- Installation of national team for the development of the young people: Implication of a picture framer of DAKAR.
- Relaunching of friendly of the SOS young people: framed young people are implied.
- Visits of structures: search for partnership, search for training course for some young people, development of objective contract for a young person who is a dressmaker’s apprentice.
Dear Sponsor, in the name of SOS Children, SOS Mothers and the collaborators, I would like to thank you once more for the help and your commitment with regards to our SOS Children’s Villages.
Sponsor's update from Kaolack

Update from the SOS Children's Village Kaolack, Spring 2007
Kaolack SOS Children's Village has developed during 2006 October to 2007 April, many diversified activities, in particular, dyeing and serigraphy workshops, a pedagogical training for the weak children in the school level.
Also a football and basketball tournament has been implemented; with others events. About the workshops, it is well infolded very. We have already finished off two them in serigraphy and in cake shop. The serigraphy’s workshop has grouped together during two months about thirty children, which, after an essay’s month, have protected diverse varieties of tee-shirts with SOS Babel, dresses and tablecloths. All the children participants appreciated this capacitating session
The cake shop’s training organised in the beginning of 2007 March, permitted to our SOS mothers and aunts; in the frame of achieving the global plan of the Village, to realise the first stage of the third are provided for April and May.
During this session staggered in the three days, our SOS mothers have been able to realise, cakes, fritters, nems and pizzas.
In the school plan, the first results obtained are satisfying as in the primary level than in the secondary level.
In primary level, from sixty two (62) pupils, fifty (50) pupils have got the average, either eighty percent (80%).
In the secondary level, from twenty five (25) pupils, twenty one (21) pupils have got the average, which is say a percentage of eighty four (84%).
A plan of imminent coaching has been elaborated for increasing the educational level of some of our pupils which feel any difficulties in their apprenticeship.
In the sports franc, a tournament in foot and basket ball teams of Kaolack district. The main objective is to rebuild the foot and basket ball in the basic categories. This tournament is registered in the regional sports calendar.
The others principal events that are marked the period are :
- the implementation for testing, of the auto evaluation tool
- the participation of our majorettes to the Christmas tree celebration and to the Senegal Independence Day
- the work visit carried out by the control and information committee of the SOS Children’s Villages National Association
- Films projections about AIDS and sexually transmissible malady (drogues and tabagis in prevention in profit of young people
- A training session in the freed of child abuses, listening practices for SOS mothers
- The implementation of the local commission for admission and exit.
- The organisation of regular meetings about the Manual Standards of SOS Children Village
- In short, all these activities permitted to put in concrete form the joy and the lighting of our children.
Dear sponsors, we thank you again for all you do for the functioning of Kaolack SOS Children’s Village and for the children.
Relevant Countries: Senegal.