Child sponsorship letter from Free Town

Update from 2007
It is with great pleasure that I write to inform you about important activities undertaken; developments and achievements of the SOS Children’s Village, Freetown, Sierra Leone. It is usual to send you reports during summer and I hope you will enjoy being informed about your sponsored facility.
The SOS Children’s Village has benefited substantially from the stable socio-economic and political situation in the Country. We are hopefully waiting to see that peace will continue to prevail on the day of the country’s democratic election, which has been officially scheduled for July 28th though there are rising tensions amongst the political parties pending the declaration of the campaigning period, which is yet to be declared by the National Electoral Commission. Nevertheless, the country’s economy is fair compared to the last six years when the 11 years brutal rebel civil war ended. Prices are a little bit stable and inflation is fairly under control.
The SOS Children’s Village Freetown, ended the year with a total number of 117 Children of which 59 are boys and 58 are girls. However, with the growing demand to meet the target of the International Office to maximize the use of the SOS facility to 135 Children, the SOS Children’s Village admitted 18 new children bringing the Village to its full capacity.
To meet the set goals, various activities were carried out during the reporting period on education, excursions, collaboration, celebrations and sports. Some other important events took place like the wedding of a former SOS youth and the visit of the Secretary General of the Commonwealth.
An exhilarating day the 27th of January 2007, a former SOS youth and now an adult, got married in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Ornette Turay now the Public Relations Officer for SOS Children’s Village Trust Sierra Leone, grew up in family house one in the SOS Children’s Village Freetown, Sierra Leone. Mr. Turay was loved very much by his late former SOS Mother, Mrs. Beserve who was a good and dedicated SOS Mother to him. Mr. Turay, according to fellow former SOS brothers, liked to read novels and played football occasionally. He partook in the SOS Drama club as a youth and enjoyed the company of others. It was not a surprise that after he finished his secondary school education in Sierra Leone, SOS sent him to continue his studies in the School of Journalism in Accra, Ghana. Now a man with a family of three boys; Peter, Ornette, and James from Juliet, Mr. Turay got married to Juliet after 13 years in courtship. About twenty SOS Children organized by Mrs. Evelyn Pessima, SOS Mother of House 3, made a contribution by singing a wedding song to Mr. Turay, whilst the SOS Mothers and Aunties and other staff from all SOS projects in Sierra Leone graced the occasion. SOS children cheered Mr. and Mrs. Ornette Turay at the SOS Children’s Village, Freetown as the bride and bridegroom paid homage to the husband’s former home.
On 4 March 2007, SOS Children’s Village Freetown and all the affiliated projects received a special delegation lead by Mr. Don McKinnon, the Commonwealth Secretary-General. Visiting the country to support peace-building activities, the special guest took some of his precious time to learn more about the work of SOS Children’s Villages in Sierra Leone and did a tour of all SOS projects in Freetown.
The SOS Children’s Village promoted education as a core value of the organization. 24 children from the children’s village , Freetown were sent to the Kindergarten and continues to support 105 Children at the SOS Hermann Gmeiner International School.
There were lots of celebrations for the children; Christmas, Easter, Independence Day, and International Mothers Day. The Children spent Christmas day with a party organized by the Government Ministries and Don Bosco Fambul, a Partner Child Protection organization. The SOS Children’s Village collaborated also with other non-governmental organizations to help with the welfare and upbringing of the children. Right To Play and Action Aid organizations counseled the children on personal hygiene, first aid care, contagious diseases and HIV/Aids.
For Easter, the Children went on family treat outs, and community outings at the Lumley and Lakka Beaches whilst some flew kites and played cards. The Deputy Registrar of the Sierra Leone Milton Margai College of Education and Technology, Mr. Jeff Momoh, gave a talk to the Children about the history Sierra Leone, how and why we gained Independence. This was followed by more outings to the Lumley Beach whilst at the same time some other children went on an excursion around the city of Freetown to visit historical buildings such as:
the Government Wharf were freed slaves disembarked during the abolition of slave trade,
the Parliament to see where the first selected members of Government Senators and Political Parties sat to debate and make policies,
the Law Courts to learn and see lawyers and judges at work and
the Sierra Leone Museum to see the best of Sierra Leone’s art, crafts and relics.
The Children learned to appreciate their SOS mothers when they celebrated the International Mothers Day with a thanksgiving service and an outing to Kent Beach. “All work and no play makes Jack a doll boy,” therefore they participated actively at their schools annual athletics sports meeting. Some won trophies and others learnt the spirit of losing.
We want to thank you very much for your relentless support towards these facilities and hope to have you in our worldwide SOS family for a very long time.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Fatmata M. Taylor
Sponsorship Co-ordinator
SOS Children’s Villages Trust
Sierra Leone
Child sponsor letter from Juah Town
We extend to you our thanks and appreciation for your support throughout the year. It was due to your support that we were able to achieve all that we did throughout the year. On behalf of the children, mothers and staff, we say a big thank you.
The SOS Children’s Village Juah Town has a total of 54 children. During the year, 15 new children were admitted who have now found a home with love and care at the Village. With the admission of the additional children, Juah Town Village is now utilizing the facility to the fullest by having an average of nine (9) children per family house. All this would not have been possible without your support to the Village. So we say thank you so much.
We are pleased to acquaint you with programs and activities held at Juah Town and other SOS facilities in our country Liberia during the year.
Activities held at the Village
On May 22, 2006, an event organized by the SOS Nursery School called “Blue Day” was held. The pupils and staff of the SOS Nursery School wore the color Blue. There were sporting activities and a films show. They had a nice time together with light refreshment. Then came the 25th of May when the SOS International School celebrated African Liberation Day. All students and staff of the school were dressed beautifully in African attires representing the sixteen tribes of Liberia. An indoor program was held and the Village Director at the time, Mr. Early, who was the Guest speaker, spoke on the topic: “The importance of African Liberation”. The following evening was set aside by the school staff as a happy evening when the children and staff danced to music of their choice and watched their favorite movies on the school campus.
June 23, the SOS Village and affiliated Projects like the SOS International School and SOS Nursery School jointly celebrated the Annual SOS Day in a grand style. To this, Parents, Guardians and the community at large were invited. The program was characterized by singing, recitations, and dramas. There were also merry making and light refreshment.
Again on July 23, SOS Nursery School Juah Town had her 3rd Graduation program. Twelve Pupils were promoted to the Primary School. Five of which were SOS Children. Awards were given to deserving pupils and gifts were also given to the Nursery School teachers to show appreciation for their hard work and patience in dealing with the kids throughout the school year. The program was a unique one, parents and guardians were very impressed that in so a short time their children could perform wonderfully, on parts they were given to play on the program.
The Acting Village Director, Ms. Frances Williams was the guest speaker. She encouraged parents to send their children to school, for education is very important in our society today.
Also, on July 24th, SOS International School had their 3rd Annual Thanksgiving and Closing Exercises. Seven students were promoted to Junior High School, two of which were SOS Children. Awards were also given to deserving students. The two SOS children are, Yama David the 2nd DUX while Ami Kai was the 1st DUX.
Other SOS facilities and programmes
SOS Clinic
The SOS Clinic located in oldest Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia which was established on September 1, 2003 to cater to the emergency need of war weary Liberians who fled their homes to seek refuge at the SOS Children’s Village Monrovia , has now turned to be one of the best, clean and quality care giver. The clinic renders medical services on a 24 hours basis to various institutions such as Government and private entities, Insurance companies and corporations. Both Liberians and expatriates are seen on a daily basis.
Services provided at the Clinic include and not limited to medical consultation, Laboratory examinations, Pharmacy, (x-ray, ECG, Ultrasound). Fees charged for drugs are affordable by patients regardless of their social status. The clinic is comprised of a short stay in which there are seven beds on the general ward, two semi private wards with two beds each and a private ward. In collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the clinic provides vaccines to children and women of child bearing age.
It all began on a beautiful and sunny day in May, when the sun shone like silver on a metal and the breeze of the morning air gave smile to the broken hearted.
The social workers of the SOS Social Centre began their journey with a visit at the Mother Pattern Support Group, an Organization that counsels HIV/AIDS patients after they have been diagnosed from the Sisters of Charity Home. The Sisters of Charity Home works through the Catholic Church in Liberia. They render services to malnourished children, elderly, HIV positive patients and diabetes. It was at Mother Pattern Support Group where they met Lorraine, a fifty-one year old lady with a daughter of eleven. During the civil crisis in Liberia, Lorraine was able to travel to the Ivory Coast where she lived in the Refugee camp. During her stay in the Camp she became ill and needed to undergo an operation where she was transfused because of insufficient blood. After the operation, and knowing that normality had returned to her home land, she decided to return home. While in Liberia, Lorraine noticed that she was often sick. She became seriously ill and was admitted at the Sisters of Charity Home where she was diagnosed of HIV virus.
After treatment at the Sisters of charity home and counseled by the Mother pattern support group, Lorraine decided to become a member of the Support Group in order to be a light for others with the same situation. The social workers upon hearing her story decided to verify the case. After verification, Lorraine and her eleven year old daughter became part of the SOS strengthening Programme. Since that day, she’s been provided counseling sections, education ( providing tuition and requirements for her daughter), medical services through the SOS clinic, monthly food ration of beans oil, rice and seasoning until this eventful day, a day to remember when the storm of stigmatization began to toss her around. The terrible storm of stigmatization made Lorraine and her child lives unbearable. She was hated by people she love, because they found out she was a victim of one of the world greatest enemy, AIDS. She decided to turn to the only friend she had in the storm, the SOS Social Centre. She explained her problem and after verification, a Social worker was assigned to Lorraine and a two bedroom hut was constructed in the month of March 2006. What a shelter in the midst of storm! After being tossed around by stigmatization. Lorraine is well, strong, healthy and happy. She now smiles thanking God for SOS Social Centre.
We wish you A Merry Christmas and A very Happy & Prosperous New Year. Enclosed, please find a photograph and a Season greeting card from SOS Children’s Villages Liberia Trust.
Kind regards,
Ruth Helen Swen
Sponsorship Coordinator
Sponsor update letter from Bo

The SOS Children’s Village, Bo has benefited substantially from the stable socio-economic and political situation in the Country. We are hopefully waiting to see that peace will continue to prevail on the day of the country’s democratic election, which was initially scheduled for July 28th but has been officially rescheduled for 11th August, 2007, though there are rising tensions amongst the political parties pending the declaration of the campaigning period, which is yet to be declared by the National Electoral Commission. Nevertheless, the country’s economy is fair compared to the last six years when the 11 years brutal rebel civil war ended. Prices are a little bit stable and inflation is fairly under control.
With the growing demand to meet the need of vulnerable children in our society, the SOS Children’s Village Bo has since the beginning of the year to date admitted 32 new children bringing the Village to its full capacity.
The SOS Children’s Village, Bo as a family joined the SOS Children’s Village, Freetown in celebrating the wedding of one of its youth. An exhilarating day it was. On 27th January 2007, a former SOS youth and now an adult, got married in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Ornette Turay now the Public Relations Officer for SOS Children’s Village Trust Sierra Leone, grew up in family house one in the SOS Children’s Village Freetown, Sierra Leone. Mr. Turay was loved very much by his late former SOS Mother, Mrs. Beserve who was a good and dedicated SOS Mother to him. Mr. Turay, according to fellow former SOS brothers, liked to read novels and played football occasionally. He partook in the SOS Drama club as a youth and enjoyed the company of others. It was not a surprise that after he finished his secondary school education in Sierra Leone, SOS sent him to continue his studies in the School of Journalism in Accra, Ghana. Now a man with a family of three boys; Peter, Ornette, and James from Juliet, Mr. Turay got married to Juliet after 13 years in courtship. About twenty SOS Children organized by Mrs. Evelyn Pessima, SOS Mother of House 3, made a contribution by singing a wedding song to Mr. Turay, whilst the SOS Mothers and Aunties and other staff from all SOS projects in Sierra Leone graced the occasion. SOS children cheered Mr. and Mrs. Ornette Turay at the SOS Children’s Village, Freetown as the bride and bridegroom paid homage to the husband’s former home.
An Easter Outing was organized in which all children, mothers and other staff were invited and spent Easter Monday at the Gondama Beach. It was really a good time bringing together friends and the SOS family. The Easter outing was a never to be forgotten one for all children and youths who attended the picnic, as it really created a social interaction for all. This event also gave the children the opportunity to see true life in the outside society.
27th April, is our country’s independence day, on this day a lecture on how Sierra Leone got its freedom was given by one historian to children of the village. That ceremony created a great impact on the children as it helped them understand the history of Sierra Leone, colonialism, slave trade and the importance of education. After the lecture a party was thrown for the children in celebration of our country’s independence day.
A birthday party for all children the birthday born between January ad April was organised and each celebrant was given the opportunity to invite his/her friend to this occasion.
The SOS Nursery School Bo also organised a graduation ceremony in which children who were going to start primary school from the kindergarten were given certificates.
Mother’s Day celebration was organized by the mothers and aunties, they joined their compatriots, other women’s organization to launch a programme on Mother’s Day at the Bo Teacher’s College and this was done by the Vice President, Hon Solomon E. Berewa. Our SOS mothers were recognized and honored. In the evening children came together and presented gifts to their respective mothers and made some statements in appreciation and the work they do as mothers.
We want to thank you very much for your relentless support towards these facilities and hope to have you in our worldwide SOS family for a very long time.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Fatmata M. Taylor
Sponsorship Co-ordinator
SOS Children’s Villages Trust
Sierra Leone
Relevant Countries: Sierra Leone.