Child sponsorship letter from Sonsonate

Update from Christmas 2007
Dear Friends,
Receive a warm greeting from El Salvador and from the children of the SOS Children Village Sonsonate. It is a pleasure to salute you and let you know more about the life in the village. We hope you enjoy reading and knowing more about the activities and events of this year 2007.
One of our goals for this year was to help all the children we could possibly reach, for this we have provided love and care to 70 girls and 59 boys in 15 families. In the same way that we have children coming to our families, we have teenagers getting ready to continue their life in the SOS Youth Facility. This year Walter, Fernando, Luis, Giovanni, Roberto Carlos and Samuel began this experience; they have been organized in two groups and live in rental houses in the city, about 10 minutes from the Village. It was necessary to move closer to the city because their schools are there.
At the moment Abigail, Flavia and Carolina are in the preparation process; also Esmeralda and Estela who both finished high school with a specialty in nursery; Evelyn and Jaqueline say that they are going to live together because they love each other so much. Sometimes, in the company of their mothers they think about the opportunity that God has given them in life. They have several feelings, the joy of starting a new stage in their lives and the fear to leave the village where they feel protected and safe.
Here in El Salvador we have been working for a few years trying to strengthen the families in risk of disintegration. Our intention is to prevent more boys, girls and teenagers left to their fate. That’s why for the past two years we’ve been developing a new strategy here in the Social Centre of Sonsonate, called “Family Strengthening”. In the strategy we identify vulnerable communities where there are a big number of families at risk. The Social Centre organizes the adults in the area to protect and take care of their children; also provides opportunities so they can develop as parents and give better attention to their little ones. In every community we have childminding programme, here one or two mothers of the community are trained to take care of the boys and girls and during the day they look after the children of the community so the other adults can go to work; with their incomes they support the mothers that take care of their children. The experience is very good and the results are great. At the moment here in Sonsonate we have 7 communal homes in this programme where 191 boys and girls are protected; this programme benefits around 115 families in risk of disintegration. It’s a beautiful experience with many satisfactions.
Growing in the year
This has been a very happy year here in the village, the joy and enthusiasm of the boys and girls grows every day. In February all the children started school, with a lot of expectation they took the buses that will take them to their schools. The same month they celebrated Valentines’ Day in school; all of them were very excited, specialty the teenagers making little presents, cards and poems for their friends.
The teenagers have been very busy taking part in a Human Rights Forum and in youth groups. In April some young man joined the Boy Scout Group; there they learn values and build their character, they also have the opportunity to socialize with other children the same age, so the experience is funny and safe.
In April the village was celebrating his 35th anniversary, this one was the first village in El Salvador. Initially it was built in the centre of the city, but when the population of children grew it was necessary to enlarge the buildings, so for 18 years later our current facilities were built. The fact that the village is out of the city has caused some problems, for example we don’t have water service and the system that we have is collapsing. It’s a very complicated situation, but we’re working in a few alternatives to overcome this difficulty.
The values and spiritual practices have increase. The participation in religious events this year has been great. Even the little ones are interested in participate. A big group of boys and girls go every weekend and Wednesday nights to a group of children where they talk about God and the love to others.
Celebrating special occasions

Something that cannot be missed in our families is the trips. On Saturdays the families have fun in the park or Atecozol, a water park close to the Village. On Sundays we have Fun Afternoons where the mothers organize soccer or softball teams to play matches. We also celebrate the special occasions. On May we celebrated mother’s day. This year it was very special because every child worked to give the mothers a very nice breakfast and at night they organized an artistic evening, where all the children showed their abilities as a tribute to their mothers.
On June the boys and young man of our Village took part in a soccer championship in Sonsonate. Children of all over the city participated. The greatest thing was that Carlos Eduardo became the best player by scoring 20 goals. On October 6th we made our traditional parade to commemorate child’s day. As every year around 20 music bands took part. This time a lot of clowns and children’s characters came, so this event became a true party for the children in Sonsonate.
We have had very important visits this year, such as the major of our locality, who has a very big admiration for the task of our mothers. The city gubernator, a representative of the National Institute for Childhood and Youth and some businessmen that has expressed that the village is an example of respect to children’s rights and that the happiness of the children is noticeable. And of course the visit of family members of our children, their presence improves the appropriate develop of our children.
We want to tell you that we are very happy and thankful to you because of your help and support to your sponsored child. Thank you for making all this possible, God blesses you always. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Yours sincerely,
Samuel Ernesto Carías Herrera, Village Director and Vanessa María Carballo Bolaños, International Sponsorships Coordinator, SOS Children’s Villages El Salvador
Relevant Countries: El Salvador.