Child sponsorship letter from Suncheon

Advent. 2006
Dear friends and sponsors!
The candles for the Advent are lit. We wait for Christ Jesus our light to this world with joy and excitement. We also pray for you to be blessed with the grace of God during this season. Looking back for this year, I realize that it was God's blessing and your help that lead us until today.
This year we had five new children. They are Hyeon-Won (11 years old) and Hyeon-Jin (10) a brother and a sister, Myeong-Jun (12) and Myeong-Woo (10) brothers, and Soo-Jeong (9) and they were all abandoned by their parents. Their mothers left home or missing, alcoholic or remarried and their fathers the same with mothers. These children met their new families at Suncheon Children’s Village.
Our youngest Chu-An is growing with all charms and health. He can walk now and started to learn words.
Jun-Ho joined the army last September for his military service which makes three youths, Won, Jun-Ho and Seok-Hyeon in the army now. Seon-Hwa volunteered for a service as a nurse at Philippine last August.
Last June we celebrated our 25th anniversary of the village. We invited our neighbors, supporters, and friends and shared our joy together with foods made by our mothers. About 400 people came and the children prepared singing and dancing performance to celebrate this event.
Currently, there are 71 children in village of 10 families, 9 middle and high school students at youth dormitory, and 8 college students at the youth town for young adults of SOS and etc.
Dear sponsors and friends!
We can't find a right word to thank you enough for your love, help, and kindness toward us. May God bless you and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Village Director Mr. Seong-Yun Mun
Correspondent Ms. Yu-Jeong Kim, Sophia
SOS Children’s Village Korea Suncheon
Child sponsorship udpate from Daegu
SOS Children's Village Daegu, Summer 2007
Dear sponsors and friends!
Time elapses so fast. Half of the year has passed already. Greens of trees outside are grown everyday and sunshine is brilliant between them. All of 104 children, SOS mothers and staffs of SOS Children's Village Daegu would like to express our sincere appreciation to you for your love. Also, we would like to inform you of several news of Daegu SOS Children's Village.
During the first half of 2007, there were various changes in the village. Last February, we parted with Mr. Chang, Hyo-Won and welcomed Mr. Park Seung-Jae as the new national director of Korea and the village director of Daegu. Also, all 7 children are being a new SOS family: Kim Tae-O(boy, 1 year), Gang Gyeong-Yun(girl, 8 years), Gang Gyeong-Eun(girl, 4 years), Jeong Yeon-Hee(girl, 14 years), Kim Yeong-Jin(boy, 11 years), Park So-Min(girl, 10 years) and Park Hyo-Eun(girl, 11 years). Most of the children came to the village due to disintegration of their family. At the first time they came to the village, their faces were blank and looked depressed, but as I see that they get SOS mother's affection here and are restoring their smiles and laughs, I come to feel the preciousness of a being of mother. Your sincerity and love also make our children growing healthily and brightly.
Last April, always welcome guest, the President Mr. Helmut Kutin and the East Asia Regional director Murthi Shubha visited to Daegu Village and had good time with all family in the village. Also, since last June 23rd was the Daegu Village's 44th anniversary, self-help children from the village, sponsors and volunteers were invited for a celebrating party. On that day, children performed Taegweondo, Jangu, sign language, traditional songs and band performance that they had exercised hard, and received applause.
Our children are on the six-week summer vacation since July 21st. They will participate in an English Adventure program from July 23rd to August 3rd, and go camping at training center in Guryongpo from August 8th to 10th to share the feeling of affection with SOS family. Also, they will have exciting summer vacation in seeing movies, going a soccer camp and sea rafting. For children, vacation seems delight and excitement like this.
We sincerely pray for your beautiful summer and health.
We all thank you for your constant encouragement and help with all our hearts.
Best regards,
Village director Fr. Park, Seung-Jae Aloysius
Correspondent Ms. Kim, Yu-Jeong Sophia
Child sponsor update from Seoul

Hello. How have you been?
SOS Children's village in seoul, always wish God bless you and your family.
Thanks to your great support and affection, our children of Seoul SOS children's village spent the first half of 2007 well. Seoul SOS Children's village has done many activities and education for our children from January to July of this year.
1. We got sponsorship from social services of large companies.
In February, 2007, our children went to 'Everland', an amusement
park in Yong-in city, thanks to the support of CJ Inc.
36 children, 2 volunteers from CJ Inc,, and 9 educational volunteers
from Sang myung University had a great time together in Everland.
2. In March, We conducted an English camp with the support of PCA Inc. and
the cultural center of the United Kingdom.
Our children learned English conversation and culture during the
two weeks of English Camp.
3. In May, we started 'cooking class' with volunteers of CJ Inc.
twice a month. It was helpful for the development of talent and
emotion of our children.
4. We held a 'Broadcasting Workshop' with KBI (Korean Broad-
casting Institute). In July, our children went to a camp for
3 days with the members of KBI. We made on UCC file for
video recording the activities in the camp. We could experience
various broadcasting programs and computer education.
Seoul SOS children's Village appreciate your constant supports.
We will also do our best for our children in the latter half of 2007.
We wish you and your family all the happiness.
Thank you.
Yoo Sung-Sik
Sponsorship Office
SOS Children's Village in Seoul Heo Sang-Hwan
Village Director
SOS Children's Village in Seoul
Relevant Countries: South Korea.