Sponsored Children in Aleppo

86 children currently live at the Children’s Village Aleppo in the north of the country, and over half of them are girls. The children recently visited Al-Mabarra Association for people with special needs. We visited both the children and elderly departments. After a few days, our children participated in the children project, which contained many activities like writing short stories, acting, and discussing.
It is every child’s dream: the children visited a factory for that produces candy; and they were amazed how the machines work and the candy is actually made. They had such a lovely time! Afterwards, they attended a little party with food, games and competitions. They slept well that night!
In the summer, the children from the two Children’s Villages went on holiday together, to a summer camp near the beach. They each made lots of friends and like to keep in contact now.
The village celebrated many occasions, like a farewell party for the youths who were moving to the youth house, Mother’s Day in March, Father's Day in August, and party of awards for the excellent and hardworking students. Most of the children are doing well at school, and those who are struggling with their work are offered extra tuition.
Sponsored children in Qodsaya

The Village recently participated in the sport union's events. We are proud that one of our girls won. She might be nominated to participate in the Olympics in China next year.
Concerning normal daily life, the children had the opportunity to go to the zoo and to an entertainment park. They also attended some children plays in the cultural centre in Qodsaya. In addition, they went to some restaurants upon some donors' invitations.
In the last few months, much effort was placed on improving our children and youths' education through extra tutoring.
There are eight children in the village with special needs. We are helping them with the cooperation of a psychologist to determine their abilities and problems, which influence their studies at
school. The village also cooperated with a neurologist to give some children medicine if necessary.
This year we have concentrated on the Family Strengthening Programme, which helps vulnerable poor families in the
community safeguard their children's well-being. The programme provides these families with basic requirements (food, clothing, and health), and the necessary skills and knowledge to ensure long-term self-reliance, the protection and care of their children. This program is currently supporting 40 families.
Relevant Countries: Syria.