Sponsor update Khartoum

Dear Sponsor and Friend,
It is my pleasure to send you my warm greetings and thanks for sponsoring our village and caring for our children.
During the first six months of the year our programmes were targeted at our village environment, integration of children in the community, children summer activities, and family strengthening.
To improve the village environment in SOS Children's Village Khartoum, we carried out a campaign to clean up the village, whose total area is 200m×200m. We received the good news that SOS-Kinderdorf International is going to start rebuilding our village (built in 1975). Very soon we will have a completely new and safe village.
Regarding the programme aimed at integrating our children in the community, our SOS mothers did a good job by taking their children with them to their hometowns during the Muslim Eid holidays and integrating them into their own families and communities. The children were very happy when they returned to the village. This happiness was clearly reflected in the stories they told about what they saw in the countryside and the many new friends they made.
Tayba, one of the mothers at the SOS Children's Village Khartoum, who is taking care of seven children, built a house in northern Sudan and she decided this house will be for the future of her SOS children. This summer, she took all her children and they spent a whole month in their new house on the banks of the Nile River. When the children returned to SOS Children's Village Khartoum they told nice stories which will always remain in their memories. They told about the ferry boats crossing the Nile, and how they watched the boats carry donkeys, sheep, cows, and camels; something which was new and very interesting to them. They still keep telling their friends and me about the fishermen in the Nile, the farmers planting vegetables and the harvesting of crops.
To add more to their happiness, SOS Children's Village Khartoum co-workers prepared ambitious programmes for the summer vacation ensuring the participation of every child in the village.
On 7 April, 2007, 15 SOS children participated in the Orphan's Day celebrations organised by an organisation called Life Makers, which is a service provider organisation. On 21 April, 2007, 16 SOS children started swimming lessons which extended for two months. On the same day, 18 children started participating in capacity-building programmes which include classes in colouring, drawing and playing different games. In addition, 24 children started a kick-boxing and gymnasium programme outside the village which lasted for two months. Also 14 SOS children participated in theatre performances and cultural activities.
The family strengthening programme which was initiated recently and connected with SOS Children's Village Khartoum is aiming at keeping the family together and helping the children within their families to improve their living conditions. It also helps rooting and recognizing our organization in the community, while helping the families to effectively develop their capacities and care for their children. To achieve that we are now working on an advocacy programme and a community awareness campaign on HIV/AIDS and family planning.
In addition, we had a medical check at the beginning of this year for all our SOS children for two serious diseases; HIV/AIDS and HBS, AG and the result is negative for all our children.
Concerning education the final result of our children is generally GOOD. Most of our children did well on their exams.
We also had our share of good news. Two of our former SOS girls who married last year have had babies. Everyone from SOS Children's Village Khartoum visited them and celebrated this special event with them and their husbands as is the tradition in our country.
And there is another happy event to be mentioned. In February, the African Football Confederation (CAF) celebrated its foundation 50 years ago in Khartoum. On this occasion the best African footballers of half a century were honoured. First was Roger Milla and second our FIFA-SOS Ambassador for the Middle East, the Egyptian Mahmoud El-Khatieb. When he was in Khartoum to receive his award, he visited also our village, brought T-shirts for all the children, spent a whole afternoon with them playing football and having fun.
However, this year we have had our share of sad news. On 8 April, 2007, one of our SOS grandmothers passed away. She was the mother of fifteen children who are now grown youths. This grandmother gave her own house to her SOS daughter, and now she and her SOS siblings are living in it.
In conclusion, I would like to thank you very much for your great support for the progress of SOS Children's Village Khartoum on behalf of all who are working here and on behalf of all the children and mothers of SOS Children Village Khartoum. May God bless you and grant you a long life.
With best wishes and regards,
Taj El Siraj
Village Director
SOS Children’s Village Khartoum
Child sponsor update letter Malakal

Dear Sponsor and Friend,
We are very happy to have this opportunity to send you our greetings and seasonal best wishes hoping that you are fine and doing well in life.
SOS Children's Village Malakal has reached the middle of this year 2007 with wonderful achievements in terms of social and educational life, which were our main areas of focus due to the positive changes that occurred in the South of Sudan after the peace agreement.
We have strengthened our roots in the community and we are now on our way to building and shaping the future. The SOS Children's Village Malakal is flourishing fast; the children are growing in height and mind normally. They are stable and well-adjusted to SOS Children's Village life. They accept everyone in the SOS Children's Village as their extended family. There are strong relationships among the brothers, sisters, mothers, village director and co-workers. There is a truly normal family environment.
The number of children in the SOS Children's Village remains the same; 103 children. There are 57 boys and 46 girls; we have 11 mothers and four aunts.
In terms of education there has been continuous improvement since 2003. We have 79 children in the different schools of Malakal City and generally the children are doing well. The schools opened once again in April 2007 after long holidays but they are facing difficulties because of the big changes in the education system and curricula in the South of Sudan that took place in 2007. No doubt these changes in the education system have affected the quality standards of the children in general. Before this year the main language was Arabic but now the main language is English. This will affect the students who started in the past with Arabic as their main language but not the new ones. These changes in the education system have lowered the standards of children in school. However, this is a general issue for all students of South Sudan, not only for our children.
Regarding health, fortunately we did not face any serious problems. Since December 2006 until June 2007 none of the SOS children have been admitted to hospital or infected by any serious diseases. We really thank God for protecting our children from diseases and also thank you for your ongoing support that helps us to keep our children healthy. The community in general is suffering from all kinds of diseases such as cholera, malaria, chest problems and so many other diseases. The SOS Children's Village took positive action and supported the hospitals of Malakal City, both the pediatric and adult hospitals, with a great deal of medical support including drugs, tents and some instruments that these hospitals lack.
As for activities in this year; there is a great variety such as football, scouts, a singing group, and handball. Four sports teams were formed, two for boys and two for girls. They often play four times a week during evening hours. As for boy and girl scouts, they train three times a week.
Other activities took place in February. The UN troops contributed to helping and supporting the SOS Children's Village Malakal in improving and repairing the children's playground. They repaired the old playing facilities, added two new ones and painted them all with very beautiful colors that children like. After finishing the maintenance work, they organized a celebration day and all our children and members of the UN troops including their Commander General spent a wonderful day in the village. We played together, had a delicious meal and our traditional dancing group gave a beautiful performance of dancing and singing.
A few days after this occasion the Indian ambassador visited the SOS Children's Village and met with our “wonderful SOS children” as he described them. He spent four hours with the children, played with them, ate our local food and danced with our traditional dancing group.
The SOS mothers organized a very nice gathering during Easter holidays. They prepared cold drinks, sweets and a lot of cooked beans. They also played music and danced with their children. Our village always has frequent visits from all those who love children including individuals, government officials and NGOs that work in Malakal.
On 27 December 2006 a baby girl was found behind one of our SOS houses during evening hours. Someone had placed the newborn baby there without anyone noticing. The case became a police case then. An investigation took place and the mother of the baby was found after seven days of search with the help of the midwife who attended the birth of the baby. The mother was put in prison for some days as punishment and afterwards the baby could be reunited with her mother.
In conclusion I would like to thank you very much on behalf of all those who work here and of course on behalf of all the mothers and children of the SOS Children's Village Malakal for your great and continuous support. May God bless you and grant you a long life.
With best wishes and regards.
Izzdin Rahmatallah
Village Director
SOS Children's Village Malakal
Relevant Countries: Sudan.