Sponsor's update from Chiang Rai

Dear Sponsors and Friends,
Christmas and New Year season has been approaching, you have just received the mid year report in July 2007. This Christmas, for the second report, now please let us to present you our brief report to what was going on during the second half of year 2007.
Currently, total number of children are 102 ; 54 boys and 48 girls. There are mostly small children at the village, the youngest child is 11 months and the oldest child is 13 years old. Children are way too cute, charming and naughtily that produce the village is very lively.
For education, our children is currently studying in different level as respective number as following; 29 in Kindergarten, 56 in Primary education, 2 in secondary education and other 15 small children are under the care of their mothers at homes. Children are studying in elementary education, they could be an intermediate learning. We are happy that their learning average result is improving. Moreover, we give support and promote in an extra tutorial class for children such as Arts, dancing art, native musical instruments, sports etc. Children take an interest and enjoying in the classes.
We held so many various activities during school vocation and public holidays like The National Mother’s Day, Loy Kratong Day, Sport Day etc. We would like to instill good manner in our children like self-confidence, dare to socialize and adjust themselves with the others. Hence, mothers, children including aunts are doing together in every activity.
In August 2007, Local fundraising projects of Dumex Thailand “Supporting Lives by Dumex” are the programs not only fund support but also knowledge and social activities. SOS families at SOS Children’s Village Chiang Rai had a chance to welcome a nutritionist team from Dumex Thailand for cooking class. Particularly, it is very important to our children to grow up healthy definitely with nutrient menu, SOS mothers enjoyed and got a lot of nutrient knowledge. Furthermore, Dumex Thailand held activities doing with children and handed out plaything like seesaw board, slider for 1 set at playground. Children looked very happy, along with improving new acquisition of knowledge.
May we take this opportunity to send you our deepest thanks and great gratitude for your generous support and kind concern to our work. We, mothers, children send you our very special wishes for the soon coming Christmas and New Year,
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Jaruwan Puangpairoj, Sponsorship Coordinator,SOS Children’s Village Chiang Rai and Mr. Phahol Trangkineenad, National Director, SOS-Thailand
Child sponsorship update from Hatyai

Update from December 2007
Dear Sponsors and Friends,
Christmas and New Year season has been approaching, you have just received the mid year report in July 2007. This Christmas, for the second report, now please let us to present you our brief report to what was going on during the second half of year 2007.
At present, we have 123 children; 45 boys, 59 girls at the village and 19 young boys at youth house. Five children were welcome into the village; 3 girls of 1 month, 6 months and 3 years old and 2 boys of 1 year and 6 years old.
One young girl completed her education, now working as a cashier at one mini-mart in Hatyai town as establish her own life.
The regular activities programs inside and outside the village are strongly support to our children and mother. Vaccination, tooth extraction and orthodontic, learning the Dharma and meditation as well as sport days were still provided. They are happy and laughing all the time, meanwhile healthy and build up friendships to each other as well as to absorb high spirit when being in society.
We are happy that the result of learning in each level of our children is at good average, we still give support and promote in an extra tutorial class for children such as Arts, Thai traditional dancing, native musical instruments, sports etc.
In September 2007, Local fundraising projects of Dumex Thailand “Supporting Lives by Dumex” are the programs not only fund support but also knowledge and social activities. Children and mother at SOS Children’s Village Hatyai had a chance to welcome a nutritionist team from Dumex Thailand for cooking class. Particularly, it is very important to our children to grow up healthy definitely with nutrient menu. They enjoyed and got a lot of nutrient knowledge as well as doing activities and games they prepared. Everyone looked very happy, along with improving new acquisition of knowledge.
May we take this opportunity to send you our deepest thanks and great gratitude for your generous support and kind concern to our work. We, mothers, children send you our very special wishes for the soon coming Christmas and New Year,
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Wantana Changsila, Sponsorship Coordinator, SOS Children’s Village Hatyai and Mr. Phahol Trangkineenad, National Director, SOS-Thailand
Relevant Countries: Thailand.