Child sponsorship letter from Tirana

Update from December 2007
First of all I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Daniel Borakaj. I am 31 years old and since August 2007 I am the new SOS Children’s Village Director, Tirana.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for your human support and sponsorship for our SOS children.
At the same time I take the chance to tell you that I feel extremely happy to cooperate with you in order to provide these children everything they need for a healthy living and good education. I am here to take care of them, support them, watch them grow and assist them in their future life challenges.
I am not yet a father, but my first contact with the children taught me that nothing is more precious than them, neither life itself.
Together with you we can be these children’s best friends in our long journey in healing their wounds and facilitating their integration process to our society. May this be the beginning of a long term and very fruitful contact with you.
It is a great joy to me to share with you the most important moments happened during this year.
Since last November 14 new children, who for different motives could not live in their biological families have found a warm shelter and the necessary care for their growing up and education in our SOS Children’s Village.
At the moment the number of the children living near SOS Children’s Village is 70.

During this year 7 of the youngsters have been transferred from our Village care to the Youth communities. Meanwhile two other youngsters are being prepared to be transferred before long.
At the moment in the Youth communities live 23 SOS youngsters, while 11 others have been supported by special programs outside the Youth communities premises. In addition 5 other youngsters have been reunited with their biological families to live together from then on.
It is not too long since a special event recorded for the first time as an innovation to the SOS Children’s Village.
Jetoni, one of our youngsters, actually 19 years old, was attending the care program near our organisation when he decided to be detached from this program and be part of another program, somehow different. He decided to be active and join the military forces to accomplish a very important obligation toward the state, that of the Military Service.
As I and a group of SOS youngsters were accompanying him we could very clearly distinguish deep in his eyes an emotional involvement. He was confident he will succeed and with a touching feeling and very proud he parted from his big SOS family and friends.
These are emotions everyone can experience and while you keep looking at that moment you can be full of optimism to give your maximum contribution in the service of these children in need.
As these children grow up and become adults and try to make their paces in life, other children in need take their place.
Two months ago five brothers of the same biological family due to different reasons could not live anymore near their biological family. Thus the state had decided to accommodate them into institutions which offer the necessary care for these children.
The various ages of the children from 2 15 years old risked the separation of the children from each-other. No other institution could offer the necessary service for these children, but separated according to the age groups assigned.
It was just the big umbrella of SOS Children’s Village which not only prevented the separation of the children, but also offered them the possibility of care near a warm and safe shelter where they can grow up happy together.
Various activities are organized and some of them are made known to you during July, but we can not forget here the summer holidays which even this year were organized near the beautiful Albanian coast in Borsh and Himara.
Relax and positive energy the children got served them for a great start of the new academic year which this year started on September 17th.
School brings new confidence
Near the SOS school this year started the new academic year 250 pupils. For our SOS children, among them Adam, Blevanti, Kristi, Rozalinda and Griselda this was the first time they sat on the school desks. It is not so long they are attending school, but they can write with no hesitation their first letters and words.
We are confident and wish that this new year coming will be felicitous not only to them, but also for all the other children.
Only a few days separate us form the end of year feasts. Their enthusiasm has started from days now. The Christmas tree already decorated in the Village centre inspires the wonderful emotions this feast brings along.
It is already a tradition in our Village that this feast celebrated together in the Village centre brings along the baked chestnuts, tea and hot wine for the adults.
There is no doubt that the enthusiasm of this feast is increased when they read your cards with your warm wishes and get your very nice presents which make their feats each moment more beautiful. They are looking forward to bring their sincere wishes to you and your families on the occasion of the end of year feasts.
On their behalf I would like to take the advantage of this opportunity to wish you,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Respectfully yours,
Daniel Borakaj
SOS Children’s Village Director
Relevant Countries: Albania.