Spurring us on! Tottenham Hotspurs continue their support for SOS Children

On Sunday 30th March, SOS Children made a real impact at Tottenham Hotspur’s home game against Newcastle. We were invited to take a collection, see the players warm up in SOS T-shirts and have a full page in the match programme - all of which helped raise awareness of SOS Children and the Clubs ongoing commitment to us.

Tottenham Hotspurs have been working with SOS Children since last year, using monies received from players’ fines to fund the running costs of a family house in Rustenburg, South Africa. In what was believed to be a first, the Club decided to ring-fence players’ fine monies, rather than absorb them directly into the Club’s accounts.
We would like to extend a huge thank you to Peter Secchi and everybody who helped make the day possible. Also, a massive thanks to all the volunteers who came and shook buckets on the day. They managed to collect over £1,000!