Tsunami One Year on: Indonesia

This article is part of the tsunami one year on review.
We all saw the pictures on the news last year of the devastated town of Banda Aceh, which was flattened and reduced to nothing by the waves. We will never forget the images of people whose lives were completely destroyed.
To help the people of Banda Aceh and surrounding areas come to terms with their loss, SOS Children is providing them with education and permanent homes. 515 family homes have been rebuilt by SOS Children and the new owners were so happy that they had homes again. Three multi-purpose community centres are providing 1100 children from 330 families with a primary education, nursery school and a health centre. For Gampong Cot Village, two rickshaws have been purchased so goods can easily be transported from the community centre to the village.
To help give orphaned children the love and care they need, SOS Children is building three new SOS Children’s Villages for 440 children. The three villages, due to be completed in May 2007, will be in Banda Aceh City, Meulaboh (Banda Aceh province) and Medan, North Sumatra. They will all have 15 family homes, and some will have SOS nursery schools.
For one year on in Indonesia articles see also: Medicine for Invisible Wounds and Rebuilding Homes