Child sponsorship letter from Bolluca

Update from Winter 2007
To our dear sponsor
The CV is once more in a very emotional and happy period of the year, getting ready to celebrate the coming New Year. We are happy to share our emotion with you, our dear families you who are giving our children the warm feeling of being safe and protected. The sincere sense of being cared makes the CV Bolluca each year stronger.
Life in the CV Bolluca continues in 11 Family Houses with 66 children, 30 girls and 36 boys. 1 Youth House for Girls with 13 and 1 Youth House for Boys with 11 inhabitants.
The construction of the Boy’s Youth House “Mimarsinan” is over and the 16 boys of 18 years of age moved there. At the same time, 3 young girls and 3 young boys moved to their biological families following their own choose.
In the 2007 academic year 49 children are attending the Primary School, 15 children are in High School, 11 youngsters are in the universities and 3 are in the Vocational High Schools. 8 of the children have scholarship grants for Private High Schools. 6 tutors are giving additional education programs at the CV.
In the SOS Nursery School 11 children from the CV and 16 children from the neighborhood are getting pre-school education. Children prepared the New Year cards as an entertaining activity.
During this year 23 children have received psychological treatment and therapy from the university and private hospitals. 2 girls who have epilepsy treatment continue in a university hospital. The health of our children is one of the most important topics when they are growing. We follow carefully their condition and we are happy to get the help of doctors and hospitals mostly free of charge.
Activities, Visits and Contributions
In summer holiday the mothers and the children went to Bodrum to spend a week at the sea side. Their vacation was sponsored by the local hotel. Our children wait for this vacation every year with impatience.
Boys from the 2 youth houses went to Kefken, a small city located on the Black Sea side.
Another event that our children took part was the “Eti Boat Event”. They were on the boat for a day. They traveled along the Bosphorus. Information about the historical houses on the side was given to them. They were guided to draw and paint pictures.
Youth leader of the Boys House is in charge of the scout’s activities of the CV. They are 50 scouts now. The scouts went to a camp in September at the JOTA-JoOTI activities (Jambore on the Air-Jambore on The Internet).
In summertime the nursery school teachers keep the children busy by dividing them in groups following the ages and guiding them through workshops.
Children learned knitting, sewing and made hand-bags out of old blue-jeans and glass pearls. Also they attended modern and folk dance classes. They learned to play guitar and piano. These kinds of activities enhance their social behavior, their skills and develop their team building and sharing spirit within a group.
We are happy to share with you all the activities of our CV. This strong relation between us makes us feel comfortable and secure. We thank you for the cards, letters, pictures and presents that you are sending us. We are happy that our children have affectionate uncles and aunts like you.
We wish you a Merry Christmas, a Holly Sacrifice Bayram and a very happy New Year. We wish that the coming years may bring you and your family health, wealth, peace and comfort.
We thank you with all our hearts for all your contributions to build us a beautiful and secure future.
Sincerely Yours,
Dilek Yýldýz
Sponsorship Office Coordinator
SOS Bolluca Children’s Village/Turkey
Relevant Countries: Turkey.