Child sponsor report from Brovary, Ukraine

There are two main achievements we have gained. The first one is that three siblings two of whom were in the orphans’ house and one of whom stayed in the hospital in Brovary, were joined together within one SOS-family. Another achievement is that one of the SOS-children had a diagnosis of problems with mental development and thanks to the staff of SOS-CV and other support staff this diagnosis was acknowledged a wrong one. Now the girl attends a secondary school and we are doing our best for her to start studying together with children of her age. For today after the adaptation period the individual plan of development has been prepared for the girl, she has started her additional lessons which should help her to reach the ambitious target till the end of the school year.
Prevention Child Abandonment
The material help of foodstuffs and general use products was received by 400 (150 in Brovary and 250 in Kiev) children every month. During the year 725 children (439 in Brovary and 286 in Kiev) received the food parcels.
We received also additional help of foodstuffs, clothes, shoes and toys from our constant partners - Kiev Union of Samaritans in Ukraine and Adventist Agency of Help and Development of Ukraine - “ADRA”.
In 2006 we have also found a sponsor who provides milk for the children-beneficiaries of the program. For 11 months we held negotiations with Tetra Pak Company and in December 2006 we had the first milk supply for the clients of the program. 3 litres per child a month we received 1200 litres of milk for the sum of 4200 UAH /832 EUR.
In 2006 with the help of 4 volunteers the Global Peace Games were organized and held. 18 teams of mini-football were gathered. They had their own schedules of trainings and the conditions for preparation for the game. In elimination tours which were held for 3 weeks took part 12 teams. 4 of them got to the final competition. On September 23 rd the Final Competition took part. The volunteers worked in the yards, helped the street teams join, learn to play together, hold several training games and also to hold elimination tours and the final competition. The partner of the action was the Football Federation of Kiev.
Working with children and parents
Children and their parents benefitted from various consultations initiated by SOS Children including ones about drugs; including a photo exhibition relating to drug abuse, art therapy and working with Kiev Narcological Hospital ensuring teenagers received treatment.
The art therapy studio held 63 sessions with children and adults taking part. Art therapy helps improve communications between children by non verbal expression, stimulate emotional development of a child, overcome difficulties in self-expression, develop communications skills, correct social roles and destructive forms of conduct and increase self-appraisal.
The Playbus team conducts games in their two main places twice per week. If the weather is not suitable for outdoor activities, they work in the premises of the Social Centre “Vyrlytsia”.
One of the main tasks of Playbus work as the mobile social centre is determining the children in need, help for the problematic target groups and addressing them for additional assistance. In their work the co-workers of the social service use the game as one of the main tools of the social work. The Playbus work in Darnitsya is the work with children who spend most of their time in the street. Our society is having the difficulties of the period of changes and the children feel them most of all. Creating the atmosphere of trust, good mood, and safety, respect the team of the mobile social centre find the problems existing in every micro-region and provide help or address the child to receive the necessary assistance.
Taking into consideration the fact that the project is realized in partnership with social services of Darnitsya, the Playbus team in Ukraine isn’t an ordinary one. The members of the team and the volunteers are teachers, medical workers, social workers, engineers and students and schoolchildren. All their spare time they devote to the work in the team, realizing their dream to be useful to the society and serving as an example for the local community. Working with the children the team anyway comes to work with the family. We have got acquainted with many parents and consider them taking part in the games to be our benefit. The main thing is that parents should know how to play with their children, as it is easier to understand each other through the game.
Relevant Countries: Ukraine.