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How to WOW

Right now … register for 'wear something WOW'. Register today and receive your free fundraising pack. This includes a poster, tips on ‘How to WOW’ and a paying in slip. Or if you want to get your posters up today you can download them here. We won’t pass on your details to anyone else.

There are plenty of tips and hints below, but we also have more information for schools, companies and clubs and individuals on how to take part...

Right now ...

Choose your 'wear something WOW' day

Pick a day during for everyone to join in and 'wear something WOW'. Make sure that the date is in everyone’s diary.

Register for 'wear something WOW'

Register today for your free fundraising pack. This includes a poster, tips on ‘How to WOW’ and a paying in slip. We won’t pass on your details to anyone else.

Choose a WOW coordinator

Appoint someone who will be good at motivating as many people as possible to get involved and be part of the big day.

Getting Started ...

Display WOW posters

Put your posters up in plenty of time so everyone knows when they should be wearing something WOW. Each poster has a space for you to fill in which day during World Orphan Week you have chosen to 'wear something WOW'. You can download more posters from our website - visit the relevant section on the WOW menu or if you would like some larger posters, please call us on 01223 365589.

Shout WOW

The local newspapers and radio really love to hear about local fundraising events, they may even want to come and take some photographs on the day. We have draft press releases available to download and help you promote your event.

For schools, companies, and clubs we have even more great downloads including short video clips about our work, a draft letter to parents, lesson planners, and many more fabulous fundraising ideas.

'wear something WOW' day ...

'wear something WOW'

Have a great day wearing something completely out of the ordinary! Perhaps you and your friends could wear coordinating outfits, or you might just want to take the opportunity to wear something really outrageous or glamorous.

Collecting donations

It’s easy to pay in your donations, simply:

  • pay in at any bank using the paying in slip we will send to you when you register
  • use our WOW donation page to pay in online
  • send a cheque (made payable to World Orphan Week) to the WOW team at SOS Children
  • call the WOW team on 01223 365589 and make a donation using your bank card

You could also increase the value of your donation by agreeing to Gift Aid it - this means that for every £1 you donate, we can claim another 28p from the government. Please contact us for more information.

Extra fundraising activities

Taking part in a 'wear something WOW' day is not the only way you can help! Try some of our fantastic fundraising ideas, or perhaps you have some ideas of your own. Why not add a little WOW to each day of World Orphan Week…

  • WOW hair day ~ add colour! Add ornaments!
  • Let there be WOW cake ~ see who can bake the most WOW cakes and have a cake sale.
  • WOW what a teacher! ~ why not get your school (or work place?) involved? Students (colleagues) can judge which teacher (or manager) looks the best in their WOW outfits; everyone pays a small fee to vote.
  • The WOW factor ~ hold a talent competition to see who has the WOW factor. Start with auditions at the beginning of the week and a big finale at the end.
  • WOW party ~ host a party where friends can wear their WOW outfits and strut their WOW stuff all night. Charge a small entry fee and donate profits from drinks and snacks sold.
  • WOW what a promise ~ ask friends and colleagues to pledge WOW promises. ‘I promise to help with the washing up’, ‘I promise not to burp’ or ‘I promise to make the drinks for a week’ and sell each promise for a donation.

Back to the WOW main page

Register here for 'wear something WOW'

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