That is all

13 best tweets of the week, including validated parking, cat treats, and sprimp

It’s nearly Halloween, how about that? We’re halfway through October and just yesterday it was 2019, I believe. OK, not actually but you catch my drift.

Another week is in the books. We love to see it, the march of times, especially when it high-steps its way into a weekend. Friday, baby.

To celebrate the end of the week we’ve collected some of our favorite tweets from the week. So please, enjoy some good posts, laugh at them, and have a nice weekend.

SEE ALSO: The best dog toys

Here they are, the 13 best tweets of the week.

1. No one can know the shame of my Home Clothes

2. I think more like a Ritz cracker with some lunch meat on it?

3. The “together” killed me

4. This angered sports radio caller accidentally stumbled into a great philosophy for life

5. Ladies and gentlemen: Sprimp

6. True bravery exists

7. Donald Trump is on notice

8. Ha ha ha ha, oh no, oh no

9. World is unfair

10. This is actually a fantastic idea

11. Obligatory dril tweet

12. Parking can be pretty difficult, to be honest

13. And finally, this