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50 Years Ago the Soviets Took MiG-25s Up Against the Israel Air Force: Foxhounds Demonstrated Near Total Invulnerability

50 Years Ago the Soviets Took MiG-25s Up Against the Israel Air Force: Foxhounds Demonstrated Near Total Invulnerability

In November 1971 the Soviet MiG-25 Foxbat saw its first combat when deployed for reconnaissance missions over the Israeli held Sinai-peninsula in Northeast Africa. The Foxbat had entered service just a year before, and at the time was operated by the USSR alone. The aircraft would be developed into multiple […]

North Korean Holds Major Artillery Drills Following Unexpected U.S.-South Korean War Games

North Korean Holds Major Artillery Drills Following Unexpected U.S.-South Korean War Games

North Korea’s armed forces have held artillery exercises “inspecting and evaluating” performance “in order to increase their mobile artillery combat capabilities,” the Korean Central News Agency state media outlet reported on November 7th. The drills were held the previous day, and saw the Korean People’s Army (KPA) demonstrating its firepower […]