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Russia Expands Strikes to Neutralise Targets Near Ukraine’s NATO Borders – Warns Incoming Western Arms Could Be Targeted

Russia Expands Strikes to Neutralise Targets Near Ukraine’s NATO Borders – Warns Incoming Western Arms Could Be Targeted

As the Russian military intervention in Ukraine approaches its fourth week the Russian Air Force has expanded the scope of airstrikes to engage targets in Ukraine’s western regions. With the Russian Army having gained considerable ground in eastern Ukraine, where it has enjoyed considerable public support in the largely Russian […]

Did Russia’s First Su-57 Squadron Just See Combat Over Ukraine? Stealth Fighter Sighted Over Zhytomyr

Did Russia’s First Su-57 Squadron Just See Combat Over Ukraine? Stealth Fighter Sighted Over Zhytomyr

On March 11 the first footage emerged reportedly showing a Russian Su-57 Felon fighter operating over Ukraine, which is thought to be part of the country’s sole squadron of an estimate five serial production aircraft deployed under the Southern Military District within range of Ukrainian airspace. The fighter was observed […]