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Ukraine’s Top Six Most Dangerous Aerial Warfare Assets: 1980s Tech From Su-27s to S-300PTs

Ukraine’s Top Six Most Dangerous Aerial Warfare Assets: 1980s Tech From Su-27s to S-300PTs

The outbreak of open hostilities between Russian and Ukrainian forces on February 24 saw assessments of the latter’s aerial warfare and air defence capabilities gain a newfound relevance. Ukraine’s armed forces have received little new hardware since the 1980s, when they inherited a vast arsenal from the Soviet Union including […]

Why Russia’s Outnumbered Armoured Units Aren’t Worried About Ukrainian Tanks: Obsolete Gun Rounds Can’t Scratch Them

Why Russia’s Outnumbered Armoured Units Aren’t Worried About Ukrainian Tanks: Obsolete Gun Rounds Can’t Scratch Them

The first 10 days of Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine have been notable for the lack of resistance from Ukrainian armour, with Ukraine fielding by far the largest tank force in Europe which under different circumstances would be expected to shoulder a large portion of the burden for fighting particularly […]