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U.S. Air Force F-12 Interceptor: What Could Have Been the World’s Fastest Combat Aircraft Ever

U.S. Air Force F-12 Interceptor: What Could Have Been the World’s Fastest Combat Aircraft Ever

During the Cold War the United States and Soviet Union both developed a number of combat and reconnaissance aircraft capable of operating at extreme speeds. Of those which entered service, the most notable where the Soviet MiG-25 which had interceptor, reconnaissance, strike and SEAD variants, its successor the MiG-31 which […]

Britain’s Aircraft Carrier Programs Since WW2: How Budget Cuts Devastated the Fleet

Britain’s Aircraft Carrier Programs Since WW2: How Budget Cuts Devastated the Fleet

The British Royal Navy today fields two sizeable 65,000 ton Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers, which entered service in December 2017 and December 2019, making the country’s carrier fleet larger and more capable than it has been since the early years of the Cold War. While the Navy fielded a sizeable fleet during the Second […]