Photogrpahic Expression

Case Studies: Nicaragua
Este es el escritorio de Don Lorenzo el
Director, es bueno tomar una foto de ese lu-
gar, su escritorio es bonito, Don Lorenzo si-
gnifica mucho para mi, si no fuera por él no
estaría aquí sino con mi familia, él nos ha en-
señado al igual que las tías tener amor, com-
prensión y respeto.
Marlon, m, 11 años
This is the desk of Don Lorenzo, the director,
it is good to take a picture of this place, his
desk is beautiful, Don Lorenzo means a lot to
me, without him I would not be here but with
my family, like the aunts he has taught us a-
bout love, comprehension and respect
Marlon, m, 11 years old
All these photographs and text come from research conducted by SOS Children's Village Hermann Gmeiner Academy. Copyright is reserved and no unauthorized use permitted. Use for non-commercial purposes may be requested. The photographs form part of an interesting study in children's photograph expression, using children living in SOS Children's communities worldwide. The report on the study is available here.
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