Sponsor update from Owe Ijebu

Update from December 2006
Dear Sponsor,
I would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for your wonderful support!
We are now in the raining season, during this time of the year, the temperature is cool with lots of rain and as our drainage system is not first-rate floods are always everywhere. Luckily our SOS families have comfortable homes that have been made possible through your support and commitment to our children and we truly thank you.
Our homes were decorated for the Christmas period with coloured lights and ornaments, lots of gifts were given to the children, holidays were a happy time for all. Your generous support made it possible for our mothers to give freely.
Presently, we have one hundred and fourteen children in the Village family houses and thirty youth in our youth homes. Two youth boys and three girls recently moved to the youth home.
Social and Economic situation in the country has continued to increase the numbers of children in need. We had requests for admission of more children to the Village. Three children became part of our family, and they will be brought to live in the Village as soon as all admission processes are completed.
Others were referred to other child welfare homes that would best meet their needs. A three-week-old baby, was given a new home, mother, brothers and sisters in the Village; he can now crawling and stands with the support of chairs and tables in the house and is thriving in the warmth of his new family!
The 10th anniversary of the Village was an opportunity for our youths and children to display creative talents and also produced anniversary souvenirs, branded clothing, wooden artworks for exhibitions.
Three of our youths completed their secondary school education this year, two passed with excellent performance that qualified them for an admission into the university and one youth girl was admitted into a college of education. She is already settling down to studies in her new school.
Ten of our youths that will soon move to our youth home took part in two youth camps where they had opportunities of interacting with other youths from other nationals across the west coast. Some children also participated in a cultural show that promoted the right of the child in a National Television Programme in Ogun State.
Some of our children that recorded below average performance in their promotional examination were counselled and enrolled in coaching classes during the holidays. Counselling on interpersonal interaction with peers was given to those facing developmental challenges.
One of our youth that was admitted into a remand home for the past six years was rehabilitated and reintegrated back with his family. The pedagogical team supported and assisted him to successfully pass his Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) and he gained admission into a tertiary institution.
In recognition of his success, the Ogun State Government nominated him for an award of the National Council of Women Societies, he received this award in November 2006. We are all very proud of his achievements!
Our Village is slightly on a hilltop, and has had difficulty with access to source of water since inception. Recently, the Ogun State Governor, Olugbenga Daniel, graciously offered to help construct a borehole at the Village; and we are all happy now that finally, Owu-Ijebu Village have access to water!!
Another challenge that we faced was the difficulty of power supply. The existing electric transformer developed fault and cut off our Village from power supply. An application was made to the State Government for a new transformer. It was a happy moment for everybody when the new transformer was donated and installed in the Village.
Also a new power generating set was purchased for our Village as the old generator broke down beyond repairs. We are now enjoying better electricity supply.
On behalf of the SOS families, we thank you for your wonderful support and for improving the quality of life of the children in SOS Children’s Villages Owu-Ijebu, Nigeria.
B. Buraimoh (Mr.)
Owu-Ijebu Village Director
Child sponsorship update from Isolo

Update from May 2006
Dear Sponsor,
We at SOS Children’s Village, Isolo, Lagos are very grateful for your love, support and commitment to our children who are always excited to hear from you through your letters and cards.
We are now in the raining season, during this time of the year, the temperature is cool with lots of rain; and as our drainage system is not first-rate there is always floods everywhere. Luckily our SOS families have comfortable homes that have been made possible through your support and commitment to our children and we truly thank you.
There are presently a total of 108 children who are now enjoying the family atmosphere of the SOS Village. We have admitted six new children. These are mostly abandoned and destitute children that are now in the care of SOS Children’s Villages, where care, love and counseling have been given to them by the SOS mothers, the children, Village Director and the Social Worker.
There is still an increase in the number of children who are in need of assistance in the country, due to the country’s population and difficult economic situation.
As a result of the harsh social and economical situation in the country, it has not been easy for some of our youths to get gainfully employed after college or vocational training. Presently, our youths engage themselves in other vocations while waiting for a gainful employment in their chosen profession.
Counselling support was given to all the children that are in need of assistance in the areas of Education, Moral, Health and Behavioural adjustment. This has made positive impact on children’s achievement and motivation. When needed, outside specialists were invited to assist and support the children further.
During this period programmes were held for our children and youths on sexuality, HIV/AIDS education and career guidance. Some youths also participated in interpersonal relationship and skills acquisition in photography, bead making, tie and dye programmes that will improve their personal skills for mutually cohabiting in the community.
To further expose our children to friendship and neighbourliness, festivals like Easter, Muslim festivals; Xmas and New Year were celebrated with friends from the community. Our cultural dance group is well known within the community for acrobatic display and various dance steps. Often, they are invited to perform out of the Village.
Some of our children went to camp programmes during the holidays and some others went to French Village to broaden their knowledge of the French language.
It was a happy time for one of our family consisting of 10 children; when they went on an exchange visit to SOS Children’s Village in Benin Republic for a week.
Three of our SOS mothers traveled to Ghana on an exchange programme with Mothers from Ghana, this was an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences.
Communities around our Village usually participate in some of our programmes. Mothers from the community were invited to attend our health related seminars; children from the community attend our Village schools and some youths from the community were invited to our self-empowerment programmes in the Village.
During these programmes, everybody learned from each other and exchanged ideas and experiences on things that can be of a mutual benefit.
We had undergone major renovations; the old roofing sheets were exchanged for new ones. The family houses were painted with new colours and some damaged electrical/plumbing parts were changed. This has changed the look of our Village to a bright and cheerful one and thus lifting the spirit of our children.
Your friendship and support has really gone a long way in providing the children with a better future and we at our Village all join hands to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
A.O. Adetola (Mr.)
Isolo Lagos,Village Director
Relevant Countries: Nigeria.