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Pakistan Supporters' Group - Get involved!

There are many ways that you can help SOS Children's Villages or get involved with the Pakistan Supporters' Group, and here are just a few suggestions:

  • Make a donation with our donation form

  • Sponsor a child - by sponsoring a child you are guaranteeing the long-term care of a child in Pakistan. As a sponsor you receive an annual progress report and can visit your child, or you can make a contribution to a collective fund for earthquake orphans. Sponsorship case study link. Follow the stories of children from the earthquake and relief efforts at

  • Volunteer - why not offer your time and work with us? We have a PDF document of how to volunteer.

  • Organise a fundraiser - Cake sale, concert, Gala event…see our A-Z of fundraising webpage.

  • Donation of items - medical/educational/clothing... If you have new items that can be used, we can arrange for them to be flown out to Islamabad for distribution

  • Attend a forthcoming event - you can see all the upcoming events

  • Visit a village - see for yourself the work that is being done first hand

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