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Pakistan Supporters' Group - Sponsorship case study

Sponsored girls, Pakistan

Sisters, Amna and Zara* lost their parents in a road accident 12 years ago. They had nobody to look after them. Two UK supporters began sponsoring them when the Pakistan Supporters’ Group was established 10 years ago. Since then, the girls have blossomed into beautiful young women and are happy and healthy.

Amna is now 16 years old and is in grade 10 at the SOS School in Lahore. She is an excellent student and loves to use the computer for her studies and enjoys photography.

Zara is 18 years old and is in her 2nd year of FA at the Government Degree College for Women in Model Town. She has good marks and enjoys college very much and her future plans are to complete her B.Ed. and become a teacher. Zara’s hobbies are reading, cooking, drawing, and improving her English.

*names have been changed to protect identities

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