Child sponsor update from Siliana

Update from Spring 2006 SOS Children's Village of Siliana
In Siliana, the SOS children live in good conditions of security, love and affection. They are well trained and well surrounded in order to allow them to be bloom, in full healthy and attached at a real family life. The SOS boys and girls of our Village are of 80 children who are assigned on eleven family houses.
At the end of the school year 2004/2005, we had recorded a success rate of 97%, a rate that we hope to improve next year by the insurance of a taking in care of quality and the implementation of our school support strategy. The major school event of this year was the success of the young Mohamed Aymen to the final exam. He is the first young of SOS Siliana that achieves this exploit. The event has been well celebrated and the whole Village lived a big moment of joy.
Our village is well opened on its environment. The SOS Nursery School is considered like a first step that characterizes the opening and the integration of our children in their environment. It welcomes 123 children of which only 20 are SOS children and the rest are of the neighbourhood. For the same reason as the Nursery School, the SOS children’s club permits also the opening and the integration in the society through its socio-educational activities, the educational and society games, the sporty activities
The SOS Children’s Club of Siliana will be promoted beginning 2006 a Pilot Club, endowed with the multidisciplinary facilities permitting the computer activity progress, of leisure, of languages and scientific.
During the summer, all children took advantage of summer camps organised in the cities of Nabeul and Borj Essedria. Some children could reserve some moments to return in their natural families and the young among them could reach to summer jobs.
The educational team has been reinforced by the recruitment of new SOS mothers and a village educator. All mothers and the child development co-workers participate regularly in sessions of continuing training.
The major event of the year 2005 is probably the overhauling of the whole Village. It is about a big maintenance action and embellishment of all the infrastructure of our Village and in particular the family houses, that are henceforth more functional and adapted to the needs of the children. Thus, through this important action, our national Association gave to our village a new radiance and best life conditions after 22 years of existence.
The Girls Residence, where live eight girls, is within the SOS Children’s village : six among them pursue their secondary studies and the two others had their diplomas of end of professional training in data processing and they are in a professional training in the National Centre of data processing for Children of Siliana.
Close to the village is situated the Youth Schooled Boys Facility that assures the taking in care of nine schooled young boys placed under a Youth Leader’ responsibility that assures them a psychosocial and educational development. They pursue their secondary studies with interest and one of them pursues his academic studies in the National school of the Technological Studies of Tunis.
The SOS young working boys cohabit in three semi-independent housing. This preparatory phase is indispensable to allow them to reach progressively the autonomy and the independence while normally integrating in the society.
At the end of 2005, and during the overhauling of the entire Village and in particular the family houses, a family house suffering of a foundation problem has been seriously damaged. In a worry of security, some emergency measures have been taken notably the evacuation of the house in question and the installation of the children with their mother in an in renting house outside of the Village. During the last visit of the Regional Director in November 2005, an important decision has been taken that consists in rebuilding a new house as soon as possible in replacement of the damaged house.
Sponsor's update from Gammarth

Update from Spring 2006 from the SOS Children's Village Gammarth
The SOS children’s Village of Gammarth assures the taking care of about hundred children and young. Ten new children have been admitted this year. Two boys, Mohamed and Hassen, have been transferred to the SOS Youth Boys Facility and 3 girls, Ibtissem, Fatma and Nesrine to the SOS Girls Residence. The school results are in big improvement since the setting up of our school support strategy.
Concerning the young, we notice the success of 3 young to the final exam: Sami, Mohamed and Dalila. They are oriented respectively toward the English literature, the industrial maintenance and psychology. Two other girls were enrolled in a school of health to pursue the degree course of nurses’ training. A girl could be reconciled with her natural family, so she has been restored within her biologic family following several steps that succeeded to the satisfaction of the two parts.
Twelve young in the insertion phase pursue their secondary studies and a professional training. Mabrouk and Mohamed, two apprentices’ young boys, preferred to make their military service with a professional qualification in ironworks and joinery.
The major event occurred in 2005 was the ceremony departure to the retirement of the former Village director, Mr. Chaâbane. It was a touching moment distinct by the presence of the SOS-KDI Regional Director, the Board Directors members, the SOS mothers and aunts and especially of the SOS children and young of several generations. The ceremony has been distinct by the award of six SOS signet rings to three SOS mothers from Children’s Village of Gammarth and three SOS mothers from Children’s Village of Siliana.
Since July, the assistant to the Village Director, Mr. Imed, has been promoted new director. The educational team has been strengthened by the recruitment of a village educator having for main tasks to help the mothers in some pre-teens development and also by a speech therapist services assuring a specialised taking care for eleven children having pronunciation difficulties.
During the summer holidays, all children with their mothers took advantage of the sea through stays in summer camps in different bathing regions of Tunisia.
In December, the international company Unilever, specialist in the cosmetic products, organised a drawing competition to which participate 30 SOS children of the three SOS children’s villages of Tunisia. The winner will go to London in March 2006 to participate in the final competition where a child will represent each country.
At the end of 2005, the situation in our village sums up in a new children generation that especially takes place in better conditions after the overhauling of all the family houses and the reinforcement of the educational team. Henceforth our major priority is a taking in care well adapted to our needs and waiting.
Child sponsor update from Mahrès

Update from Spring 2007
In the name of all the SOS children of the SOS Village of Mahrès, we express our grateful and thanks to all sponsors for everything that they could have testified like material and emotional support the long of this year 2006 and the previous years.
In our village, we have currently 80 children of which 37 girls and 43 boys. During this year, we registered 6 new admissions (5 girls and a boy). We have also the sad news concerning the death of our child Salama Ben Ammar old of 4 years because of his insufficiency immunity. This event engendered a grief ambiance that touched all our national association members of the SOS children’s villages.
Concerning the education, 62 Children are enrolled to the basis school: 56 pupils are at the primary school, 05 are at the college and one is at the secondary school.
At the end of the school year 2005-2006, we recorded a success rate near of 87.5%. As usual, all our children participated in summer camps in different bathing cities of Tunisia: Sousse, Hammamet and Nabeul. The summery activities have been very various and very animate, and during all the year, our children took advantage of excursions organized by the Village to discover several regions in our country.
Currently 69 children are enrolled in our SOS Nursery School. 18 of them are SOS children, 33 are from the Family Strengthening Program, Prevention for Children Abandonment, and 18 are from the neighbourhood. They are taken in charge by qualified coordinators who keep a watch the good progress of the educational activity.
Every moment spent at the SOS village is a moment of rejoicing and every event has its colour, rhythm, resonance and its specificity giving to the dynamics of the village a particular charm characterized by a convivial ambiance and a complete opening on the environment.
Among the most important events of this year 2006, we can mention:
*The celebration of the national feast of the childhood, January 11th
*The celebration of the international day of the SOS children’s Villages, June 23rd
*The celebration of the Peace Games for Children and Youth, September 21st
As well as all national and religious feasts that were opportunities to better strengthen the civic, patriotic and religious education of our children.
At the end, we notice that our village activities have been spread with the context of the Family Strengthening Program centred on the Prevention for Children Abandonment. Thus, we assure the taking in care of 35 beneficiary children of this program.
And to finish, I grab this opportunity to express in the name of all children, the mothers and the staff of village, all my recognition and my gratitude with regard to all the sponsors that sustain the SOS children all over the world and my best wishes of health and happiness for the New Year 2007.
Relevant Countries: Tunisia.